
Mostrando postagens de setembro, 2018

TIL that in 2005, after Rob Schneider called movie critic Patrick Goldstein unqualified because he’d never won the Pulitzer Prize, famous film critic Roger Ebert told Schneider that, as a Pulitzer winner, HE was qualified to review the film, and that “Your movie sucks.”

TIL that in the desert, more people die from drowning than from dehydration. This is because people come prepared for low water in the desert, but aren't prepared for flash floods.

TIL the first theaters in the early 1900's charged a five cents for admission, and were therefore named "nickelodeons."

TIL that NASA makes a movie poster every time the send an expedition to the international space station. Some of the themes are The Matrix, Star wars and Pirates of the Caribbean.

TIL King Gillette, who founded Gillette razors, believed that everyone in the US should live in a giant city called Metropolis powered by Niagara Falls.

TIL while high on substances and during a meeting with a CBS exec in Germany, Ozzy Osbourne performed a Nazi goose-step on the executive's table before dipping his testicles in the executive's wine and then urinating in it. He only came to find out what he had done later by Sharon Osbourne.

TIL of the Vioxx scandal - a drug produced by Merck & Co, which resulted in the death of approximately 60,000 people. The company allegedly was aware of the side effects, and did not withdraw the drug from the market until FDA caught on. The company exists to this day.

TIL that before the start of the football season, an MIT student trained pigeons near the Harvard football stadium to respond to whistles as a prank. When the whistle was blown to begin the Harvard-Yale opening game, the field was overrun by the birds.

TIL the Pentagon was built with twice as many bathrooms as necessary because of racial segregation

TIL Bill Darden (the founder of Red Lobster) opened his first restaurant, a luncheonette called The Green Frog in Wayward, Georgia at 19 in 1938. He refused to segregate customers by race. Segregation was a state law in 30’s Georgia.

TIL that a British soldier whose ship was sunk by a U-boat survived for 70 days at sea. After being rescued, he was sent back to England from the Bahamas on a cargo ship. It was hit by 2 torpedoes from a U-Boat as they were approaching the UK. There were no survivors.

TIL Britain's power stations have to learn television schedules to anticipate when there will be a huge power draw as everyone turns on their electric kettles during a break in a soap opera or sporting event.

TIL In the 1997 film Titanic, James Cameron himself draw all of the art for Leonardo DiCaprio's character Jack, including the famous sketch if Kate Winslet. The close up shots of Jack creating the drawing are actually of Cameron's hands, not DiCaprio's

TIL: Lydia Fairchild failed a maternity test because her reproductive cells had a completely different set of DNA to her skin cells. She exhibits chimerism, in having two distinct populations of DNA among the cells of her body.

TIL that elephants are very good swimmers: once an elephant was rescued from the ocean 10 miles off Sri Lanka coast: it got caught in a current off the coast near Kokkilai but it was still swimming

TIL that a full operating system and a film were stored on DNA and recovered with no errors

TIL that Costa Rica went 300 days on 100% renewable energy in 2017.

TIL The crime of “upskirting” is taken seriously in Japan, with manhunts common, primarily due to a shortage of crime and an abundance of police officers in the nation.

TIL the only reigning Empress of China was the wife of two different Emperors, who eventually usurped the throne and ruled through brutal use of murder, betrayal, and secret police forces.

TIL that Mr. Rogers greatly enjoyed the 1994 film Forrest Gump, which his son said Rogers viewed "probably a hundred times."

TIL the most expensive Mega-Project ever was Eisenhower's Interstate Highway System, costing 500 billion dollars, spanning 48,181 miles, and dwarfing the cost of every other Mega-Project in history.

TIL That Tuckaleechee Caverns in Tennessee are used to detect underground nuclear tests all over the world through seismic activity in the dense limestone.

TIL: John Francis, an American environmentalist, decided to stop speaking for a day to learn to listen better to his opponents. He turned it into a 17-year vow of silence. During those 17 years, he went to school and even earned a PhD.

TIL that in 2007 Paris Hilton was banned from attending Oktoberfest because locals felt she would cheapen the event as they did not appreciate how she was trying to promote her canned wine!

TIL President Ronald Reagan revealed he wore hearing aids in 1983, leading to greater acceptance and increased sales of the devices among seniors. At age 72, he said that his hearing loss dated to his early Hollywood days when a .38-caliber blank was fired close to his right ear on a film set

TIL that the Americans leveled an island in the Philippines to build a concrete battleship, Fort Drum. Captured by the Japanese during WW2, the Americans retook it by pouring gasoline inside and setting it aflame, killing every Japanese soldier inside

TIL about the yet unfinished and still under construction Basilica of the Sagrada Família in Barcelona, Spain. It was designed by Antoni Gaudi. Ground broke in 1882 and isn't scheduled to be finished until 2026.

TIL that shortly after his parents divorce, Johnny Depp dropped out of high school to join a rock band full-time. After 2 weeks he attempted to return to school, but his principal stopped him and told him to continue following his his dream.

TIL of Charles Lightoller, the most senior officer to survive the Titanic, who forced men to leave the lifeboats at gunpoint so only women and children could board. He was then pinned underwater for some time, until a blast of hot air from the ventilator blew him to the surface.

TIL that the sea level is rising everywhere in the world, except along the coasts of Finland and Sweden. But even though the sea is still rising here, it’s just that the land is rising faster

TIL Tasmania's literacy rates are far below that of mainland Australia, with at least half of the state's population unable read or write properly. This is despite a higher teacher-to-student ratio than the rest of the country.

TIL places like Wales, Wallachia, Wallonia, and Cornwall etc, have similar names because it was the word German conquerors called the surviving Roman speakers after the empire fell. The twem "walhaz" means stranger, which the surviving Roman refugees were to them.

TIL that a Japanese train barks like a dog and snorts like a deer in order to prevent collisions with animals on the railway

TIL that Harper Lee’s friends gave her a full year’s salary for Christmas in 1956 so that she’d be able to take a year off from work to write. Lee used that time to write “To Kill a Mockingbird,” which has since sold over 30 million copies.

TIL that after discovering Jupiter's intense radiation belt , NASA needed a last minute fix to shield the exterior cables of the Voyager deep space probes. They sent a technician to the local supermarket, bought all of the kitchen grade aluminum foil, and wrapped it around the cables.

TIL: That anesthesiologists, neuroscientists and researchers dont really know how anesthesia works.

TIL Paul Revere never managed to warn anyone. He was actually captured, escaped, and then captured again. He was riding with two friends and it was one of them that escaped and managed to warn the Colonials.

TIL that for the past 50 years, the Skilcraft US Government ballpoint pen has been produced by sight-impaired workers under an 80-year-old program dating to the New Deal to employ blind Americans.

TIL there is a subset of people that can function perfectly fine with less than 5 hours of sleep. They are early birds, night owls and short sleepers at the same time and do not need the assistance of coffee or mid-day naps to function. They are the Sleepless Elite.

TIL In 1957, a terminal cancer patient was given a worthless drug that caused his tumors to “melt like snowballs on a hot stove.” When he found out it was proven worthless, his cancer returned. He was given a placebo version and it went away again. Got truth again and died.

TIL that Tom Petty had a severe cold during the recording of "I Won't Back Down". George Harrison, whose vocals are featured on the recording, bought a ginger root, boiled it, and had Petty put his head in the pot to clear his sinuses. The final version was recorded moments after.

TIL that FDR’s grandfather, Warren Delano, made the Roosevelt family fortune by smuggling opium into China throughout the 19th century. A “fair, honorable, and legitimate” trade, according to him.

TIL: Sleeping less than the recommended eight hours a night is associated with intrusive, repetitive thoughts like those seen in anxiety or depression

TIL that a Swiss company called Climeworks has a machine that can remove carbon dioxide from the air, and they aren't the only company doing so. Theoretically enough of these machines could reduce the CO2 ppm to pre industrial revolution levels.

TIL that George Washington was the only President of the United States not to belong to a political party.

TIL that Tom Wilson, who portrayed Biff Tannen in the Back to The Future trilogy made a song answering the most repetitive questions about the films that he wishes people would stop asking him. It's called "The Question Song."

TIL William the Conqueror (aka William The Bastard) was denied a marriage proposal by Matilda of Flanders who felt marrying a bastard was below her. He won her heart by reading the response and immediately riding 250+ miles from Normandy to Bruges to grab her by the hair and throw her in the mud.

TIL tibetans have more than twice the amount of forearm blood flow due to sharing more than 6% of their genes from Denisova hominins

TIL that bumblebees hold the insect record for high altitude flying. They have been discovered on Mt. Everest at more than 5,600-meters above sea level, and flew successfully in a flight chamber which recreated the thin air of 9,000-meters.

TIL in 1209, crusaders were sent to siege Béziers (in France) as many citizens had become heretics. Before the attack, the army asked the Pope's ambassador on how to distinguish between heretics and Catholics, he replied: "Kill them all; let God sort them out." All 20,000 inhabitants were killed.