
Mostrando postagens de novembro, 2018

TIL an episode of the kids show Peppa Pig that claims spiders are friendly and won't hurt you has been pulled from the air in Australia multiple times. It's considered too dangerous a message to teach to Australian children.

TIL Amelia Earhart and Eleanor Roosevelt once sneaked out of a White House event, commandeered an airplane, and went on a joyride to Baltimore.

TIL that, like champagne, tequila is a designation of origin product and must be grown in the Tequila Valley to be called tequila.

TIL Quebec "unofficially" got rid of Slavery in 1798, 35 years before it was abolished, because the Chief of Justice couldn't find any laws to punish an escaped slave named Charlotte who refused to return to her master- so he set her free. Other slaves found out and started doing the same thing.

Today I learned that there is a restaurant in New York that doesn’t employ professional chefs, instead every day a grandmother from a different country designs a menu that honors her native cuisine

TIL that Pluto was discovered by a 23 year old farmboy with no degree in astronomy who spent a year comparing photographs of the night sky, searching for a "star" that changed positions. He would later earn his Masters degree and teach at New Mexico State

TIL in 1969 The Beatles tried to make a Lord of the Rings movie starring themselves and directed by Stanley Kubrick. However, it was shut down by J.R.R. Tolkien who didn’t want The Beatles in the film.

TIL NYC’s first public WiFi kiosks had to shut off browser access because so many people were using them to watch porn.

TIL There Are 328 Human People Named “Abcde” in the United States

TIL that the United Nations officially use British English instead of American English

TIL McDonalds owned and helped boost Chipotle to nearly 500 locations, but sold it in 2006 because it was a distraction.

TIL after capturing Alexandria, Diocletian ordered his soldiers to kill until the blood reached his horse's knees. As if on cue, the horse fell, staining its knees in blood. He took the gods' hint, and stopped the massacre. After he left, the Alexandrians erected built a statue in the horse's honor.

TIL cognitive dissonance is a discomfort triggered when a person’s belief clashes with new evidence. When confronted with facts that contradict personal beliefs, people will find a way to resolve the contradiction in order to reduce their discomfort.

TIL during the Berlin air-lift, one USAF pilot secretly air-dropped candy to the kids below, rocking his plane so they'd know it was him flying overhead. They called him "Uncle Wiggly Wings".

TIL The pyramids weren't built by slaves, but a complex system of voluntary, privileged laborers.

TIL String cheese is made by heating mozzarella to 60 °C which causes the milk proteins to line up. They can then be peeled off in strings.

TIL that Pluto was not only named after the god of the underworld, but the first two letters were a homage to Percival Lowell, the scientist who initiated the search for a celestial body beyond Neptune.

TIL nuclear reactors have caused the lowest number of fatalities per unit of energy generated when compared to the other major energy producing methods.

TIL in 1995, NASA astronomer Bob Williams wanted to point the Hubble telescope at the darkest part of the sky for 100 hours. Critics said it was a waste of valuable time, and he'd have to resign if it came up blank. Instead it revealed over 3,000 galaxies, in an area 1/30th as wide as a full moon

TIL when the territory of Wyoming applied to join the US, congress told them they'd have to stop letting women vote. Their response was "We will remain out of the Union one hundred years rather than come in without the women”. In 1890 they joined as the first and only state to allow women to vote.

TIL that the majority of creepy sounds that you hear in horror movies are made by a unique instrument called a waterphone.

TIL: In 1975 a 50 year old bricklayer died laughing whilst watching an episode of the TV show, The Goodies. His widow wrote to the cast of the show to thank them for making her husband's final moments so pleasant.

TIL UPS plans it routes so drivers almost never take left turns, and this has saved the company on fuel costs, carbon output, and helped deliver almost half a million more packages a year.

TIL that Dan Aykroyd got into the "We are the World" video because he walked into the wrong place.

TIL when the viking Rollo Flanders was asked to kiss the foot of King Charles, he refused and instead commanded one of his warriors to do it. The warrior complied by taking the king’s foot, lifting it to head height while dragging the king out of his chair, and kissing the king’s foot.

TIL The Archbishop of New Orleans ruled that Alligator meat is classified as fish, so Catholics can eat it on Fridays during Lent.

TIL Bags of chips aren't filled with oxygen, but are filled with nitrogen. Oxygen would turn the chips rancid while nitrogen preserves the freshness of the chips, prevents combustion, and creates sufficient cushioning during the shipping process.

TIL if the Andromeda Galaxy were brighter, it would be larger in the sky than the Moon

TIL the sunset on Mars is blue instead of red like planet Earth.

TIL Sir David Attenborough is the only person to win a BAFTA for a programme in black and white, colour, HD, 3D and 4K.

TIL that Sam Houston, for whom the city of Houston is named, was deposed as governor of Texas by the legislature after refusing to support the Confederacy, saying “you may win Southern independence if God be not against you, but I doubt it.”

TIL The idea that eating carrots helps you see in the dark was a lie invented by the British Airforce in WW2, in order to explain how British air raids were so successful in the dark without tipping the Germans off on the existence of radar.

TIL that the U.S. refused to repay massive revolutionary war debts to France after Frances own revolution, claiming the debt was owed to the prior regime

TIL That SleepNumber beds and mattresses contain microphones and record audio that its users agree to in purchasing the bed and creating a profile. It is in the privacy policy.

TIL there are enough saunas in Finland for the entire Finnish population to take a sauna at the same time.

TIL VitaminWater Is Not Healthy For You and Coca-Cola, who owns Vitaminwater, was sued by a non-profit public interest group on the grounds that the company’s vitaminwater products make unwarranted health claims.

TIL 'Infinite Monkey Theorem' was tested using real monkeys. Monkeys typed nothing but pages consisting mainly of the letter 'S.' The lead male began typing by bashing the keyboard with a stone while other monkeys urinated and defecated on it. They concluded that monkeys are not "random generators"

TIL Ravoux's slavemaker ant is a species where the queen can fake her own death to encourage ants from a rival colony to drag her body back to the nest. When there, she kills the nest's queen and bathes in her pheromones, becoming the new queen. Her soldiers overrun the colony and take control.

TIL that ancient Spartan schools deliberately underfed boys to force them to steal food, but severely punished anyone who was caught. This was thought to toughen them up, especially since it accustomed them to hunger, which was common on the battlefield.

TIL that Charles Dance who plays Tywin Lannister in Game of Thrones found Tywin's treatment of his son so appalling that he kept apologizing to Dinklage between takes.

TIL Flexible glass is a 'legendary' lost invention. Inventor took a flexible glass bowl to Emperor Tiberius Caesar who tried to break it. It dented instead of shattering. Inventor repaired it with a small hammer. Tiberius had the inventor beheaded because it could undermine value of gold and silver.

TIL guards of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier wear specially manufactured Oakley sunglasses to protect from the glare of the marble, and are the only military personnel to wear sunglasses as part of their official uniform.

TIL that modern genetics was discovered/invented in 1856-63 by an Austrian monk who overturned millennia of misunderstanding by simply running a scientific experiment (on 28,000 plants); yet his work was ignored for 40 years and nearly lost.

TIL it is likely that dog’s smile because they have observed humans doing it, and we condition them to smile by giving them treats and snuggles when they look happy. They’re basically brown-nosing us.

TIL The voice actor for the singing parts of grown-up Simba in The Lion King in both "Hakuna Matata" and "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" is Joseph Williams, the lead singer of Toto (as in, Africa by Toto)

TIL in 1986, Harrods, a small restaurant in the town of Otorohanga, New Zealand, was threatened with a lawsuit by the famous department store of the same name. In response, the town changed its name to Harrodsville and renamed all of its businesses ‘Harrods'.

TIL that George Washington actually wanted to end slavery, but never did because he feared it would divide the new nation.

TIL of James Lafayette, a former slave who acted as a double agent during the American Revolution. He was able to travel freely between American and British camps, and foiled Benedict Arnold’s plan to storm Yorktown. This led to the British surrender.

TIL Magdalena Solis, a Mexican prostitute was paid to imitate an Incan goddess as part of a scam. She began to believe she was a goddess so she took over the cult and began sacrificing her followers.

TIL that in 2004 a tour bus carrying the Dave Matthews Band through Chicago drove over a bridge and dumped 800 lbs of human waste into the river below, splashing feces and urine onto tourists who were on a sightseeing cruise underneath the bridge.