
Mostrando postagens de janeiro, 2019

TIL: In many Celtic traditions, mead, which is an alcoholic drink made from fermented honey, imparts a significant role, and in Celtic lore, its people believed that the drink would bring them immortality. This led them to impart a law that protects the bees from any harm.

TIL "Yoshi" from Super Mario Bros is the character's nickname. His full name is: T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas

TIL inoculation was introduced to America in 1706 by an West African slave named Onesimus, who taught his owner Cotton Mather how his parents inoculated him as a child. in 1721, Mather used this method to successfully combat a smallpox outbreak in Boston.

TIL That most female cheetahs go their entire lives without raising a single cub to maturity. The species is dependent on "supermoms" that are particularly adept at raising cubs. One such supermom, Eleanor, has mothered at least 10% of all adult cheetahs in the southern Serengeti.

TIL: in 1914 for the 4th running of the Indy 500, the rules were changed to no longer allow drivers to consume alcohol during the race after the winner in 1913 drank champagne during pit stops.

TIL Pearl Jam has been calculating the carbon footprint from their tours since 2003, and have donated enough to environmental projects to counter that.

TIL that George Lucas had a dog named Indiana, who was the inspiration for both the character of Chewbacca and Indiana Jones’s name

TIL moonbows exist. They are rare, much fainter than rainbows and appear white to the human eyes, but are as colourful as normal rainbows.

TIL China is the biggest Ocean Polluter in the world!

TIL: The Black Panther MARVEL comics are not named after the Black Panther Party from the 1960's. In fact, the comics are three months older than the party.

TIL that Elizabeth Proctor, one of the convicted witches of Salem, was pregnant and "plead her belly", delaying the execution until after giving birth. She was never executed afterwards.

TIL that Steven Spielberg felt he wasn't mature enough to make a film about the holocaust and gave rights he secured to other directors. He later changed his mind and traded Cape Fear for Schindler's List with Martin Scorsese.

TIL that a Colombian man died after a parasitic worm in his gut developed cancer which ultimately spread into his body

TIL that Wal-Mart is the 3rd largest employer in the world, behind only China’s People’s Liberation Army, and The United States’ Department of Defense

TIL due to a typo the wrong type of kitty litter was used during a nuclear materials containment. This caused an explosion and more than $2B in cleanup.

Today I learned that a Czech cult member was caught torturing and cannibalizing her children when a neighbor's baby monitor accidentally picked up a video signal showing a boy chained up in a cellar

TIL The KGB Shipped a Sidewinder Missile by Mail to Moscow - It Cost $79.25

TIL: A Starbucks hot “venti” latte and “grande” latte each have exactly two shots of espresso. The extra dollar you’re paying for the larger size is essentially buying you 4 ounces of frothed milk.

TIL Zoroastrianism, a minority religion today in Iran, is one of the world's oldest religions still in existence, pre-dates the birth of both Christianity and Islam by centuries, and was once the official religion of the Persian Empire.

TIL that about 85 percent of hospitals still use pagers because hospitals can be dead zones for cell service. In some hospital areas, the walls are built to keep X-rays from penetrating, but those heavy-duty designs also make it hard for a cell phone signal to make it through but not pagers.

TIL That the original version of "The Game of Life" board game, made in 1860 by Milton Bradley, had the possible outcomes of suicide, poverty, and ruin.

TIL in Antarctica in 1959, a scientist became unhinged after losing a game of chess, and murdered his opponent with an axe. Chess was subsequently banned at Russian Antarctic stations.

TIL that a congressman from Georgia, Hank Johnson, believed that the island of Guam may tip over if too many people stood on one side of the island.

TIL Great white sharks do not survive in captivity due to depression and refusing to be fed by humans, leading them to die of starvation. There are currently many theories on why this is. The current record for a Great White in captivity is only 44 days.

TIL that during a particularly cold spell in the town of Snag (Yukon) where the temp reached -83f (-63.9c) you could clearly hear people speaking 4 miles away along with other phenomenon such as peoples breath turning to powder and falling straight to the ground & river ice booming like gunshots.

TIL that in 18th century, the King of Sweden conducted an experiment to prove that caffeine was dangerous. It used two pairs of twins, each with one twin drinking three pots of coffee and the other three pots of tea for the rest of their lives. They all outlived the king and every doctor involved.

TIL Moonshine alcohol jugs are typically marked with 'XXX' in cartoons because it needs to be distilled 3 times to reach nearly 100% pure alcohol. Each 'X' signifies a distillation.

TIL that after losing a son to drug-related suicide, Carroll O'Connor publicly outed his son's dealer, and pushed for a law allowing families and employers to sue drug dealers to recover losses and costs of drug treatment

TIL that in the 1700s, Queen Caroline of Great Britain had smallpox innoculation trialled on six prisoners in return for commuting their death sentences. When this was successful, she innoculated her own children, popularising the process.

TIL The difference between "Jr." and "II" is that "Jr." JR is to be used when the child is going to have the same name as his father, whereas "II" should be used when the child would be taking the name of a family member other than his father.

TIL Pornhub has a branch of their network called “Pornhub Cares” where they focus on humanitarian efforts. Some of their causes are breast and testicular cancer research, planting trees, and funding student college scholarships.

TIL a Washington high school senior named Ibrahim Ahmad stapped fake explosives to his body and asked a girl to prom with a sign saying "I kno it's a little late but I'm kinda the bomb. Rilea will you be my date to prom?" The school gave him a five-day suspension but the girl said yes.

TIL A Mauser C96 was modified to form Han Solo's prop blaster pistol for the Star Wars films. Reproductions of the blaster became so popular in the cosplay community that gun collectors became aware that fans were buying and altering increasingly rare original Mausers.

TIL a Portuguese castle enduring a prolonged siege broke the enemies resolve by, in a fake show of plenty, throwing freshly baked bread made from the very last flour in the castle with the message, ‘if you need any more, just let us know’. Fearing a much more prolonged siege, the Spaniards withdrew.

TIL that more high-ranking Nazi officers died in the Czechoslovakian car Tatra 77a and 87 than in active combat, prompting Hitler to ban his officers from driving them. It was nicknamed the "Czech secret weapon" by the Allied forces.

TIL Jazzman Pat Metheny hated Kenny G playing over Louis Armstrong's Wonderful World, calling it a low point in modern culture and saying his "lame-ass, jive, pseudo bluesy, out-of-tune, noodling, wimped out, fucked up" playing shat upon all musicians living or dead who were inspired by Armstrong.

TIL Elizabeth II is officially Queen of 16 nations including Canada, Australia, Jamaica, PNG, and the Bahamas

TIL for the first Harry Potter film, some scenes were filmed twice, with the actors saying 'Philosopher's Stone' for the UK version and 'Sorcerer's Stone' for the US version.

TIL of Marcus Crassus the creator of the first Roman fire brigade, employing 500 slaves. At the first cry of help, they would stand while Crassus offered to buy the building for cheap. If refused, he let it burn and simply rebuilt it with slave labour. He is often called "The richest man in Rome".

TIL that a single Canada Goose has between 20 and 25 thousand feathers. Just a fraction of an inch of this feather insulation can keep a bird's body temperature at 104 degrees, even in freezing weather.

TIL that North-Korea is heavily involved in the manufacturing and even exporting of hard-drugs like methamphetamine. Even going as far as having state-run laboratories manufacturing them.

TIL Pablo Escobar actor on Narcos, Wagner Moura, is Brazilian and didn't speak any Spanish when he got the part. Also had to gain 40 pounds!

TIL 90 percent of all large fish have disappeared from the world's oceans in the past half century

TIL Sculptor Michelangelo had no experience painting frescoes and did not consider himself a painter when he reluctantly took the commission for the Sistine Chapel. He even wrote a poem about how much he hated doing it.

TIL that Michael Schur got his job writing for The Office by talking about King of the Hill for two hours during his interview. He would then go on to create shows like Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Parks and Recreation, and the Good Place

TIL that John Young smuggled an illegal corned beef sandwich on board the Gemini 3 spacecraft in 1965. For this delicious stunt, he was given the first reprimand in NASA space mission history and his snack remains the only contraband sandwich to ever make it into space.

TIL Louis Braille was blinded as a boy when using an awl. At age 15, also using an awl, he invented a reading system for the blind. It was never adopted during his lifetime, but after his death it grew to worldwide popularity, and is now known as "braille".

TIL Max Planck was told by his professor to not go into Physics because "almost everything is already discovered". Planck said he didn't want to discover anything, just learn the fundamentals. He went on to originate quantum theory and win a Nobel Prize.

TIL that Retta, the actress who played Donna Meagle on Parks and Recreation, graduated from Duke University, worked as a chemist before doing stand-up and moving to LA, and is also the niece of former Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

TIL some birds in Australia have learnt to take flaming sticks from wildfires and carry them to other areas of woodland, in order to flush out prey.