
Mostrando postagens de março, 2019

TIL that in 2004 nearly one-third of the adult male population of the Pitcairn islands was convicted of child sex assault, even the mayor. His son, the current mayor is also a convicted sex offender. Another mayor who served in between them was convicted for possession of child pornography.

TIL when Robert Ballard (professor of oceanography) announced a mission to find the Titanic, it was a cover story for a classified mission to search for lost nuclear submarines. They finished before they were due back, so the team spent the extra time looking for the Titanic and actually found it.

TIL it's illegal in Italy, punishable with a fine, to tell a man he has "no balls"

TIL in 2008 a woman from Ireland died from an allergic reaction to canine semen after having sex with a dog

TIL that a team of thieves stole $18,000 worth of high-tech equipment from a warehouse. Unfortunately for them, about 100 GPS tracking devices were among the items taken, so they were tracked down within hours.

TIL President Kennedy wanted to go to Mars not the Moon – but engineers told him it was 'a little bit too far'. Nasa told him it would take at least 15 years before we could put a man on the Moon after a weekend of intense calculations

TIL people who are always running late tend to end up living a longer and healthier life according to Harvard researchers.

TIL that rh-null, the rarest blood type of the world, has been called the "Golden Blood". This blood type is so rare that only 43 people in the world have it, and there are only 9 active donor.

TIL Smoking Areas existed in Public High Schools back in the 1980’s. Students could smoke cigarettes on school grounds between classes in designated lounges

TIL Australia's first cops were all criminals. Their first police force was made up of 12 of the best behaved convicts.

TIL in ancient Egypt, under the decree of Ptolemy II, all ships visiting the city were obliged to surrender their books to the library of Alexandria and be copied. The original would be kept in the library and the copy given back to the owner.

TIL the last victim of the 1966 University of Texas at Austin shooting died in 2001 after having to undergo dialysis for 35 years, 3 times a week, 5 hours each time. His death was ruled a homicide.

TIL Lily Allen wrote a song dissing her brother Alfie in 2007, criticizing him for his lazy behavior. Since then he's done well for himself best known for playing Theon Greyjoy in HBO's Game of Thrones.

TIL In 2010 an unlucky airline passenger was arrested in Ireland after Slovak security officials placed explosives in his luggage for training, then forgot to remove them before the plane took off.

TIL if you won the lottery in Australia, you had to go public with your win, turning into an overnight celebrity. This was until the abduction & murder of Graeme Thorne, 8, whose family won the lottery leading to Graeme being abducted for ransom but killed.

TIL Princess Diana opened the UK's first HIV/Aids Clinic. She shook hands with a patient, without gloves, in front of the world's media. This helped change public perception that HIV/Aids was transmitted by touch.

TIL NASA calculated that you only need 40 digits of Pi to calculate the circumference of the observable universe, to the accuracy of 1 hydrogen atom

TIL that President Roosevelt stated that if the atomic bomb had been ready in time, he would have ordered the military to drop them on Germany.

TIL: Ancient Greeks created spiked dog collars as a way of protecting their dogs’ throats from being ripped out by wolves. (as a fashion item, this is interesting...)

TIL that the Election Commission of India sets up a polling station for just one person, 40 Kms inside a lion sanctuary. A team of two policemen and five officials travel along with the voting equipment to register the vote of Guru Bharatdas Darshandas, who is the priest of a local temple.

TIL The entire state of Wyoming only has 2 escalators

TIL in 2006, a woman farted on an American Airlines plane and attempted to cover up her farts by burning matches. When the passengers reported the smell of burning matches to the crew, the flight made an emergency landing in Nashville, and the FBI was called in to conduct an investigation.

TIL That there are 3 raptor species (known by Aboriginals as 'Firehawks') in Australia that intentionally spread wildfires by grabbing a burning stick from a wildfire, flying it to a new area and drop it. Small mammals run from the blaze, which are scooped up by the birds.

TIL Guns N' Roses lead guitarist Slash once walked in on his mom naked in bed with David Bowie

TIL Skrillex song "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites" stops mosquitos from having sex

TIL that an Australian bird, called the rainbow lorikeet, routinely gets drunk from spring to summer. The small birds drink the fermented crimson flower nectar from the Weeping Boer-bean tree. When intoxicated these birds make loud drunken noises which many people find bothersome.

TIL At the height of her popularity Paris Hilton starred in "The Hottie and the Nottie," a movie so bad, the estimated opening night per-showing attendance was 5. It grossed $27,696 on opening weekend, despite being shown in 111 theaters.

TIL on Saturday night (30 March '12), the Chief of the Israeli Navy gave a surprise order for 3 ships to prepare to leave for a 10-day exercise; the men on the ships worked all night only to learn the next morning (1 April '12) that it was all an April Fool's Day joke.

TIL that Dalmatians are the official firehouse dog because, in the 1700's, they would run alongside horse-drawn carriages keeping pace, even at full sprint, and protect the horses from other dogs or animals that could spook them.

TIL that the artist who made Scooby-Doo found desirable traits that you’d look for in a top level show dog and drew Scooby-Doo to represent the opposite.

TIL that Taco Bell failed to pay two Michigan men who created the Taco Bell Chihuahua mascot and were later court ordered to pay them $42 million dollars.

TIL that when visiting president Jimmy Carter, Willie Nelson and the president's son, James Earl Carter III, were caught smoking weed on the roof of the White House

TIL ancient Egyptians didn't use Hieroglyphics as an everyday writing system. They reserved this for special functions. The Egyptians used two script-like writing systems called Hieratic and Demotic. This eventually became Coptic script.

TIL Catullus, a roman poet know for his sexual themes has a poem usually titled "I will sodomize you and face-fuck you" . It is so vulgar the 1st uncencored english translation is from the late 20th century and The poem is a diss to his friends who called his poems too feminine

TIL that a 1916 zoning law in NYC allows skyscrapers to go as high as they want as long as they cut back in on themselves. The “setback law” allows for sunlight and air to pass through to smaller buildings and street level. These tiered skyscrapers helped to give rise to the Art Deco style.

TIL Wine Glasses Are Seven Times Larger Than They Were In The 1700s

TIL Domino's Pizza locations in Scotland have official, registered tartans for employees who would prefer to wear a kilt.

TIL Francisco Franco is credited with saving between 30,000 and 60,000 Jews during the nazi era. He is also thought to have been responsible for killing between 15,000 and 50,000 of his political opponents.

TIL in 1992 George H W Bush vomited on the Prime Minister of Japan then fainted. This resulted in the invention of the phrase "Bushu-suru" meaning "To do the Bush thing" or vomit.

TIL A major reason why native English speakers have issues understanding German humour, is that the German language is way too precise to allow for the humorous confusions found in English. Also, German humour is usually delivered with a deadpan, which makes foreigners think they're being serious.

TIL that Bethesda (creators of Skyrim) promised to give lifetime free Bethesda games to anyone who named their newborn child "Dovahkiin" on 11/11/11. Turns out, one family did it. Dovahkiin will be turning 8 this year.

TIL that a UK man found a way to earn money off telemarketers who were constantly calling him. In 2011 he set up his own personal 0871 line - so to call him now costs money to the caller. Every time a bank, gas or electricity supplier asked him for his details, he submits it as his contact number.

TIL that Dr. Carlo Urbani recognized the emergence of a outbreak of pneumonia as a new epidemic and immediately notified the WHO, personally flying to Hanoi to investigate. He would die this day in 2003 of SARS, having triggered the most effective response to an epidemic in history.

TIL a scientist stationed in Antarctica managed to score a date through Tinder with a girl camping just 45 minutes away.

TIL Gwen Stefani wrote "Hollaback Girl" in response to Courtney Love calling her a cheerleader in an interview

TIL: The release of a new Harry Potter book had such an impact that researchers in Oxford found that the admission rate of children with traumatic injuries to the city's emergency rooms plummeted on the publication weekends of both Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince.

TIL that a 102-year-old German woman became a doctor 77 years after Nazis banned her dissertation.

TIL that when it became apparent that Israel was going to win the 1978 Eurovision Singing Contest, Jordanian TV stopped the live broadcast, showed a picture of daffodils, and later announced that Belgium had won.

TIL an undercover officer was led on a chase of a suspicious person. A CCTV officer used cameras to tell him where the suspect was at throughout the chase. After 20 minutes they discovered that the "suspect" was actually the undercover officer chasing himself at the direction of the CCTV officer.

TIL that all of the sweaters that Mr. Rogers wore on his show were knitted by his mother. He liked wearing them because they made him think of his mother.