
Mostrando postagens de abril, 2019

TIL that, after becoming the first white man to run 100 meters in under 10 seconds, French sprinter Christophe Lemaitre received a formal letter of invitation from the Ku Klux Klan. He did not respond.

TIL about the American Prairie Reserve, a project initiative that is privately purchasing large swaths of land out in the Great Plains of America and converting it into what will hopefully be the largest nature reserve in the continental U.S.

TIL Jesus is the most mentioned person in the Quran

TIL Citigroup wrote secret memos in 2005 and 2006 addressed to investors, stating the world is dividing up more and more into a small group of rich people who drive the economy, surrounded by a large number of poor people whose economic interests can be safely ignored.

Today I learned that Canadians say sorry so much that a law had to be passed saying that apologies aren't admissions of guilt.

TIL King Frederick II used reverse psychology on his peasants who refused to eat potatoes because they tasted horrible. To stop the food famine he sent his guards to guard fields of potatoes and the peasants started stealing them and growing their own.

TIL: The oldest bar in the world is in Ireland. Archeological records have found that the walls of Sean’s Bar have been around, and serving, since 900 AD. Further, there are records of every owner of the pub back to its 10th century founding. It opened over 1100 years ago.

TIL that Sir George Everest, after whom Mount Everest was named, objected to the honor, as he had nothing to do with the mountain's discovery and he had the impression his name was not easily written or pronounced in Hindi.

TIL The expiration date on water bottles is for the bottle, not the water

TIL many Jews fought back against the Nazis. Eta Wrobel escaped transport to a concentration camp and helped organize a resistance group. Refusing to just cook and clean, she carried a weapon on patrols and set mines to destroy German vehicles. Once, she dug a bullet out of her own leg with a knife.

TIL a pregnant American black bear can give birth without ever emerging from hibernation. She doesn’t even need to rouse herself to care for her young, instead she can nurse her cubs for months by drawing from her reserves of stored fat.

TIL: In 1965, a Senate subcommittee predicted that by 2000, Americans would only be working 20 hours a week with seven weeks vacation.

TIL in 2007, 170 Swiss soldiers got lost during training and landed in Liechtenstein. The accidental invasion made them hurry back to the Swiss border, calling officials to profusely apologize. Liechtenstein's ministry replied "no problem, it happens."

TIL the population of London in 1939 was 8,615,245; in 2015 the population of London was 8,615,246.

TIL The farthest you can get from a McDonald's in the U.S. is 107 miles.

TIL that Blackpanthers planned a free breakfast program for children but the Chicago cops broke into the church they were holding it in the night before and Urinated on all the food. Regardless of the delay the program continued and fed tens of thousands of hungry kids over the span of many years.

TIL to prove that coffee is unhealthy, King Gustav experimented with a twin, one drank enormous amounts of coffee, the other one, tea. Both samples outlived the researchers and King Gustav

TIL that in 2004, Forbes named J.K. Rowling the first person to become a billionaire (in US dollars) from writing books. By 2012, she had donated so much money to charity that they had to remove her from the rich list because she was no longer a billionaire.

TIL early Sears catalogs were made smaller than Montgomery Ward catalogs so that neatnik housewives would stack them on top

TIL that the legendary Johnny Cash fought for the rights of Native Americans and dedicated an entire album to them. Radio stations refused to play any of the album. In retaliation, Cash bought an ad on Billboard asking: "Where are your guts?"

TIL that in Singapore some elevators are equipped with Urine Detection Devices that detect the scent of urine, setting off an alarm and closing the doors until the police arrive to arrest the offender!

TIL Humans account for just 0.01% of Life on Earth and have caused the loss of around 80% of wild land and marine mammals, and 50% of plants.

TIL that despite being one of the larger restaurant chains, Subway locations are closing at an ever-increasing rate

TIL that the Chi-Chi's restaurant chain was hit with the largest hepatitis A outbreak in U.S. history, with at least four deaths and 660 other victims a month after filing for bankruptcy

TIL all the numbers on the roulette wheel add up to 666.

TIL Americans work more than any other major countries — 137 hours per year more than Japanese, 260 per year more than the UK, and 500 hours per year more than France.

TIL that Maria Von Trapp, whose memoir inspired “The Sound of Music” and who made a cameo appearance in the film, was not invited to the premiere. Von Trapp later inquired why and producers told her, “There were no seats left,” without apology.

TIL the French Foreign Minister was shot dead in 1934 when a revolutionary opened fire. It wasn't revealed until 1974 that the revolutionary missed and the Minister was really killed by a police officer aiming for the revolutionary.

TIL that the Sonderkommando in Auschwitz revolted by throwing three SS personnel into the crematorium furnace alive.

TIL that Bill Gates' net worth is still 10x as much as Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne's estimated net worth is in the comics..

TIL that after Hunter S. Thompson, the author best known for Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, died, he was cremated and his ashes were fired out of a cannon. The cannon was placed on top of a 153-foot statue of a fist holding a peyote button, paid for by Johnny Depp.

TIL the Shamwow guy, Vince Offer, wrote a comedy film which was considered to be one of the worst films of all time. With a $500,000 budget, it grossed $856 at the box office.

TIL in Finland some children read to dogs and cows because they actually like listening and are extremely attentive.

TIL Duracell had a mascot called the Duracell Bunny that debuted 15 years before the Energizer Bunny. In 1988, Duracell's trademark had lapsed. Sensing an opportunity, Duracell's North American rival, Energizer, created a parody that we all know today as the Energizer Bunny.

TIL that there are thousand year old bacteria and viruses hiding in the ice caps that if melted and released could cause a new wave of deadly diseases that we haven't experienced before.

TIL Parents in Zimbabwe who cannot afford school fees can offer livestock such as goats or sheep as payment for tuition fees

TIL many experts regard the United States as entirely uninvadable, because of the country's major industries, reliable and fast supply lines, large geographical size, population size, difficult regional features, armed citizenry, and strong military force.

TIL that 99% of people on internet communities are lurkers and only 1% actively create new content, according to a rule known as the the 1% rule.

TIL Bill Haast began extracting snake venom at 15 years old. He founded the Miami Serpentarium and injected himself with venom for 60+ years. His blood was used to save 21 snakebite victims. He created a venom serum to cure polio. He was bitten over 170 times and lived to be 100.

TIL archaeologists have discovered a site in San Diego which suggests humans inhabited North America more than 100-thousand years earlier than current estimates.

TIL An attorney actually practices law in court whereas a lawyer may or may not. An attorney has passed the bar exam and has been approved to practice law in his jurisdiction. Although the terms often operate as synonyms, an attorney is a lawyer but a lawyer is not necessarily an attorney

TIL There are twice as many trees in the UK today as there were a hundred years ago.

TIL: There is a forensic database containing tens of thousands of shoe impressions. It is used to match footprints at crime scenes to specific makes of shoe. It's name? Solemate.

TIL Ancient DNA shows how recent adult lactose tolerance is, in evolutionary terms. 20,000 years ago, it was non-existent. Today, about 1/3 of all adults have tolerance. That lightning-fast evolutionary change suggests that direct milk consumption must have provided a serious survival advantage

TIL that Hershey's Chocolate isn't legally considered chocolate in Britain, because of its low cocoa amounts.

TIL that pencils are yellow because in the 19th century, the best graphite came from China. Because yellow was a royal colour in China, pencil companies began to colour their pencils yellow to show both high quality and an association with China.

TIL Prairie dogs have different calls to communicate about humans that they've seen. "They're able to describe the colour of clothes the humans are wearing, they're able to describe the size and shape of humans, even, amazingly, whether a human once appeared with a gun,"

TIL Before he died in 1998, Chinese President Yang Shangkun told his army doctor that the Tiananmen crackdown on June 4 had been the most serious mistake committed by the Communist Party in its history

TIL peeling Scotch Tape in a vacuum releases enough X-rays to produce an image of finger bones on X-ray film

TIL that after being shot in the frontal lobe during WWI, a Hungarian man named Paul Kern became unable to fall asleep. Baffling doctors, he did not present any other symptom other than his inability to sleep and an occasional headache. He went on to live a full, sleepless life.