
Mostrando postagens de junho, 2019

TIL At age 89, philosopher Bertrand Russell was jailed for "breach of peace" for anti-nuclear demonstration.They offered to exempt him from jail if he pledged himself to "good behaviour", to which Russell replied: "No, I won't."

TIL Tony Iommi, founding member of the Black Sabbath, replaced his finger tips with homemade prostheses made out of plastic after losing them on his last day at a steel factory , requiring him to downtune his guitar to play it, creating their signature sound and helping to define modern metal music.

TIL when Cristiano Ronaldo was asked to donate his cleats to a 10-month-old kid who had a brain disorder, he instead gave $83k to fully pay for the surgery the child would have.

TIL a genetic mutation can cause some people to have 4 cones that perceive color as opposed to the standard 3, which means they would be able to see 100 million colors while a normal person sees just 1 million.

TIL that during the 2007 Glasgow airport attack, as one of the perpetrators tried to open the boot of his jeep, a taxi driver, Alex McIlveen, kicked him in the groin so hard that he tore a tendon in his foot.

TIL Research shows that taller people are happier but shorter people live longer

TIL Leonard Nimoy was an accomplished photographer. His interest in the hobby began in childhood, and for his whole life he owned a camera he’d built at the age of 13. He even seriously considered changing careers after Star Trek, as he studied extensively at UCLA.

TIL: Research has shown that when speaking, individuals who have been congenitally blind and have thus never seen anyone gesture nonetheless make hand motions just as frequently and in the same way as sighted people do. In fact, they will gesture even when conversing with another blind person.

TIL Seinfeld, Mad About You, and Friends all exist in the same universe. Kramer is subletting his apartment from Paul; Jamie appeared in an episode of Friends and mistook Phoebe for Ursula; Ursula works as a waitress in Mad About You

TIL that the Southern Pacific Comapy, while best known for its railroad operations, also owned and operated telegraph and telephone lines under the name Southern Pacific Railroad Internal Networking Telephony, which would later become the telecommunications company known by the acronym "Sprint."

TIL: Judge Doom's scheme to dismantle the street cars in favor of freeways in Who Framed Roger Rabbit was based on a real life conspiracy from General Motors

TIL In 1950, medical knowledge was estimated to double every 50 years. By 2020, it is expected to double every 73 days.

TIL that police officers tap the rear of your vehicle with their hand when performing a traffic stop so that if anything were to happen to the officer during the encounter, there would be physical evidence of them coming into contact with your vehicle via fingerprints.

TIL that nobody can find or verify the existence of Hitoshi Akamatsu, the original creator of the castlevania series.

TIL an orangutang in San Diego Zoo kept escaping his enclosure so that he could walk around the zoo and look at the other animals as well as throw faeces at his ex-enclosure mate that he didn’t like.

TIL Playboy Hugh Hefner's young son, Cooper, teaches a course called "New Landscape of Media" at Chapman University. Hefner is also on the Board of Directors for Children Of The Night, an organization that has been dedicated to fighting human trafficking and child prostitution

TIL: Pokémon Go players walked 8.7 billion km collectively in 2016 – enough to get to the end of the Solar System

TIL that Boeing in the 1970s fired 60,000 employees following the failure of their Concorde knock-off and a downturn in general aviation. So many people left the city there was a billboard that read "Will the last person leaving Seattle turn out the lights"

TIL Hugh Jackman agreed to make a cameo in "X-Men First Class" on two conditions. FOX had to make a charitable contribution to his children's school and he wanted to be the only one to curse at the main characters. The studio agreed to both terms.

TIL Danny DeVito used to be a beautician. He went to New York to learn makeup but the lady he sought after to teach him only accepted students from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. So he enrolled for a semester and that's how he got into acting.

TIL there are more businesses incorporated in Delaware than there are Delawareans; over 50% of all American businesses choose Delaware to game taxes, courts, and laws.

TIL that Charles Darwin was one of the first people to come up with the idea of putting wheels on his office chair, so that he could work faster

TIL that while touring in Australia, Frank Sinatra insulted the media, especially female media. The stagehands union refused to work his show until he apologized. Sinatra threatened to cancel his shows. The transport union refused to prepare his airplane for departure

TIL Henry Rollins became the lead singer of Black Flag after jumping on stage to sing at a concert, but he had to quit his day job as a manager at a Häagen-Dazs

TIL that for 14 years nobody on Sesame Street would believe Big Bird when he would try to tell them about Mr. Snuffleupagus. After an increase in child abuse cases, producers decided to make him "real" so children could see that adults will believe them when they have something important to say.

TIL Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak had to submit Tetris scores to Nintendo Power under fake names because he topped the charts for so long they stopped printing his scores

TIL the ZZ Top song "Master of Sparks" is based on a true story of people who used to weld together a spherical cage with a seat inside and then push it off a truck going 60 MPH with a person inside. Whoever survived got the title of Master of Sparks - one of them was ZZ Top guitarist Billy Gibbons.

TIL that the Japanese do multiplication by drawing pictures of interlocking lines

TIL an astronomer travelled to India in 1760 to observe Venus. His ship blew off course, and he missed the date. He stayed in India for 8 years to try again, but the sky was too cloudy. When he returned home, he had been declared dead, his wife remarried, his estate plundered, and his job lost

TIL of "Dreadnoughtus", one of the largest dinosaurs that ever existed. The fossil skeleton of the individual was 85ft/26m, but was not even a full grown adult and expected to grown even larger!

TIL a 74-year-old woman lay dead for a decade in her apartment before someone found her body. She lived in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and have died by natural causes. Since she was not officially dead, her pension would be paid every month and the bills would be automatically paid. None noticed.

TIL that in April of 2018, scientists at the Gladstone Institutes in California completely erased Alzheimer’s disease damage in human cells by changing the structure of one protein.

TIL that "The War of the Worlds" plot arose from H.G. Wells wondering "if Martians did to Britain what the British had done to the [indigenous] Tasmanians?", which most modern scholars characterize as a genocide.

TIL that 'Greeble' is a name given to the texture applied to Sci-Fi spaceship models to make them appear more complex.

TIL that the man that was not saluting to Hitler in the famous photograph was August Landmesser. After imprisonment, a failed attempt of fleeing to Denmark with his family, his Jewish wife dying in the Holocaust, he was drafted into a penal battalion where he was killed in action.

TIL only one person is known to have survived a lynching in the United States. His name was James Cameron and he went on to found America’s Black Holocaust Museum.

TIL in 2015 a call center in NY was infested with bedbugs. The workers unwittingly brought them home. The company demanded the workers pay to have their own homes fumigated and prove it before returning to work. They were also sited by OSHA for conducting fumigation during work hours.

TIL About Dr Gisella Perl, an inmate and female doctor at Auschwitz. She was instructed to tell Joseph Mengele of any pregnant women, so that he could experiment on them. Instead, she tried to save as many lives as possible by terminating pregnancies, and doing late stage births, without any drugs.

TIL that John F. Kennedy was on 12 different medications a day during his presidency, just to enable him to face the day.

TIL about Patrick's Pub and Grill, a bar that's split in half on the border of Georgia and Tennessee. What's even stranger is that the Georgia half is in a "dry county", meaning that any alcohol purchased on the Tennessee side cannot be brought to the Georgia side - all within the same restaurant.

TIL about the naming of Nintendo's character Kirby. In 1982, Universal sued Nintendo claiming Donkey Kong was illegally based on King Kong. Attorney John Kirby fought won the case for Nintendo and they, in thanks for the help provided, named their (then) next character in honor to him.

TIL about the first robot. The servant of Philon was an ancient Greek humanoid figure capable of automatically filling a wine cup when placed in its hand. It accomplished its task using a pneumatic system that was very advanced for its time.

TIL about the Heart Attack Grill. A restaurant where guests over 350lbs eat free and you get spanked for not finishing your food. They have had multiple overweight spokespeople die.

TIL that when Billie Holiday would perform “Strange Fruit” at gigs, the club owner would order the waiters to stop serving, and the room would be in complete darkness except for a single spotlight on her face. It would close her act and there would be no encore.

TIL In 1993, a French engineer, Emile Leray, whose car had broken down in the Sahara Desert, escaped certain death by tearing it apart and making a motorcycle from the leftover parts.

Today I learned that Door Dash food delivery company, does not actually give it's drivers the tip you pay plus regular pay, instead they use it to meet the minimum pay guarantee. UNLESS TIPPED CASH. If tipped cash, the driver gets the entire tip, plus pay guarantee .

TIL of Cameron Todd Willingham, who was charged and executed in 2004 for allegedly setting his house on fire to murder his 3 children in 1991. All the evidence against him was debunked by experts in fire investigations a few years later.

TIL of Lewis Fry Richardson. He derived many of the complex equations needed for weather prediction in the 1920's. However, the math was so difficult that to predict the weather six hours in advance, it took him six weeks to do the calculations.

TIL about crystal radio, a radio receiver made with simple parts that needs no external power source, all it needs is a radio signal to produce sound.

TIL a 2003 heatwave killed over 70,000 people across Europe including 14,000 in France alone.