Mostrando postagens de julho, 2019
TIL that mushroom therapy is now being used to help treat depression, known for rebooting the brain and creating new connections. (2018)
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TIL Dr. Pepper served hot with lemon was a popular 1960’s holiday beverage
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TIL the American government manipulated the outcomes of every Italian election for at least 24 years, starting in 1946
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TIL Kevin Smith announced he will donate all his dividends from Weinstein-Made films to the non-profit 'Women In Film'
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TIL bed headboards were first used to keep sleepers warm and were constructed to create space from the wall to allow falling colder air to sink to the floor rather than onto the bed.
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TIL That all of McDonalds’ delivery trucks in the UK, have been running on used cooking oil from their restaurants since 2007.
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TIL that in Sweden you agree with someone by sucking in air. In Sweden (and Norway), to show you’re on the same page as someone, you make a sharp sucking noise instead of saying "I agree" or nodding. It’s their way of letting you know they’re listening without interrupting the flow of conversation.
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TIL that in Norway, people use the term "texas" as slang for "crazy". It doesn't refer to a person, but a chaotic atmosphere or state of mind, so saying a party "was totally crazy!" in Norwegian would be "det var helt texas!", which literally means "it was texas!"
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TIL A Japanese Man cut off and served his own genitals to five diners, charging them $250 dollars a plate. He was reported to the police but wasn't arrested as there is no law against cannibalism in Japan.
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TIL the Reagan Administration laughed about the AIDS epidemic during three separate press conferences
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TIL With PTSD, your brain doesn’t process the trauma the right way. It doesn’t file the memory of the event as being in the past. The result: You feel stressed and frightened even when you know you’re safe.
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TIL that Ireland has 3 Peat fired power plants. Using peat taken from Irish bogs, its more polluting than Coal and is so inefficient it is subsided by the state.
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TIL People who constantly point out grammar mistakes typically have "less agreeable" personalities, are less open, and more likely to judge you for your mistakes.
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TIL just before Live Aid, Freddie Mercury was told by his doctor not to do the show because of some vocal trouble. He of course, ignored it, and went on to deliver a 20 minutes show that, according to a BBC poll, is the greatest live performance of all time.
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TIL That Disney was forced to abandon its policy of letting disabled people skip lines in its theme parks, after rampant abuse of the rule by people hiring disabled “tour guides” to skip waiting for rides. These guides sometimes charged up to hundreds of dollars per hour.
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TIL one of this site’s co-founders committed suicide in 2013 after facing up to 50 years in prison for illegally downloading over 4 million academic articles. He was 26 years old.
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TIL Ada Lovelace, along with her early work in programming and designing a turing computer in the 1830s, wrote a theory of "flyology" on powered flight that accurately documented wing-body ratios to achieve it. She was 12 when she published it.
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TIL of an elephant sanctuary in Phuket, Thailand that is doing its best to stop the elephant riding tourist trade.
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TIL Many Native American students at Yale study their indigenous languages even though these classes do not count for academic credit. Stanford stands out for providing classes that qualify for academic credit on Native Americans languages, including Cherokee, Nahuatl, Navajo, and Lakota
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TIL a brain injury sustained during a mugging turned a man who used to think "math is stupid" into a mathematical savant with a form of synaesthesia that lets him see the world in fractals.
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TIL scientists searching for an explanation for an unusually cool area of sky instead discovered a 'supervoid'; an empty spherical blob 1.8 billion light years across that is the largest object in the known universe. An estimated 10,000 galaxies were “missing” from the part of the sky it sits in.
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TIL Wilson the Cast Away Volleyball was inspired by screenwriter William Broyles, Jr.'s personal research. Broyles stranded himself on a deserted island for a week, and a volleyball washed ashore.
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TIL that after Beethoven went deaf, he found he could affix a metal rod to his piano and bite down on it while he played, enabling him to hear perfectly through vibrations in his jawbone. The process is called bone conduction.
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TIL when Gene Wilder was offered the role of Willy Wonka, he accepted on one condition: he'd enter with a limp, lose his cane and continue to limp, and then when he's found out, perform a somersault for the crowd, "Because from that time on, no one will know if I'm lying or telling the truth."
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TIL of the Oakland Buddha, a statue placed on a trash-ridden street corner by a non-Buddhist neighbor who was fed up with the trash. He thought the statue might 'shift the energy in the neighborhood.' It has since become a shrine and gathering place for Vietnamese residents.
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TIL Hawaii allows people to throw their beloved's ashes into their volcanos, as long as you pay a $25 permit and do it discreetly.
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TIL that a burrito is legally not a sandwich. A Massachusetts judge ruled in White City v. PR Restaurants that "the term "sandwich" is not commonly understood to include burritos, tacos, and quesadillas"
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TIL that the only four musical artists/groups to have a Top 40 single in the 1980's, 1990's, 2000's, and 2010's are Michael Jackson, Madonna, U2, and...Weird Al Yankovic
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TIL jumps are classified by what kind of foot transfer happens. You hop on one foot, you leap from one foot to the other. Jumping is two feet to two feet. Assemble is jumping from two feet but landing on one, and Sissonne is jumping from one foot and landing on two.
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TIL in 2012, China's national TV channel – known for its strict censoring of foreign films – stunned viewers by airing the anarchist film ‘V for Vendetta’ fully uncensored. It included the famous quote: "People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
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TIL Disney changed the name of their project "Basil of Baker Street" to The Great Mouse Detective", causing Disney animators to pass around a joke memo blandly renaming old Disney classics. It reached the CEO of Disney, who was furious and demanded to know who wrote the memo. No one squealed.
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TIL A Utah woman was allowed to sue herself over a car accident she caused, which killed her husband. She had to give evidence against herself to show that she was a fraudulent driver so she could seek compensation. It was her claim as a widow vs her claim as a motorist.
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TIL President Kennedy kept two hamsters--Debbie and Billie--in the White House as pets. The two escaped often, one time being found under Kennedy's bed. Debbie later ate Billie and died of indigestion.
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TIL an undercover investigation found that Apple charges $1200 for a computer repair that a local repair store was able to fix in 1 minute and charged $0 for.
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TIL the baby boomer generation was labelled the 'Me Generation' in the 70s and was described as a 'culture of narcissism' by writers and journalists at the time.
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TIL of Helen Gandy who was Edgar Hoover's secretary for 54 years. The day of his death, she resigned and destroyed all of his personal FBI files that he used to manipulate key Washington figures.
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TIL Bread in the US contains Potassium Bromate, a toxic chemical that is linked to Cancer. This chemical has been banned in most countries around the world, but the FDA refuses to investigate because they have "limited availability of resources and other agency priorities".
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TIL that a high school in Morgan Freeman's hometown of Charleston, Mississippi held its first racially integrated prom in 2008, 54 years after the Brown v Board of Education Supreme Court ruling. Freeman offered to pay for the event if the school board agreed to desegregate.
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TIL The Navajo have a tradition around celebrating a baby’s first laugh. Around three months, they watch the baby closely for that first real giggle. The person who has the good fortune of eliciting that first laugh is then responsible for throwing a party
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TIL there are no Walmarts in New York City due to intense opposition from local unions and politicians
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TIL Hayao Miyazaki withdrew from retirement for the 7th time and announced he was making a film so that his grandson knows that ‘Grandpa is moving onto the next world soon but he is leaving this film behind because he loves you.’
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TIL in France, it’s against the law for grocery stores to throw away food. It must either be composted or donated to charity.
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TIL Washington state will be the first state to allow human composting as a form of burial on May 1, 2020.
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TIL that jams are made from actual fruit, jellies are made from fruit juice. Preserves have chunks of fruit, conserves have dried fruit or nuts, and marmalades have peel and pulp.
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TIL Seth Rogan has repeatedly tried to make a movie about the 90's battle between Sega and Nintendo, but keeps getting turned down.
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TIL A Texan Judge sentenced a woman, who had abused two horses to the point of emaciation and severe illness, to be on a diet of only bread and water for the first 3 days of her 30-day jail sentence. She was also required to have two blown-up photos of the ailing horses in her cell.
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TIL after 13 years of trying to find the structure of a protein, scientists created an online competitive game that asked gamers to try and solve it. The structure was found in 3 weeks.
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TIL when Rockstar first released Grand Theft Auto, they actually paid reviewers to negatively review the game in order to keep it controversial, and therefore popular. They targeted right wing news papers to ensure moral outrage and drive the game to success.
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TIL adding a small amount of seaweed to a cow's diet, can decrease the amount of methane they produce by nearly 60%
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TIL that Buddy Holly's wife found out about his death while watching TV and suffered a miscarriage the next day due to "psychological trauma"; his mother heard the news on the radio and collapsed. Soon after, authorities adopted a policy of notifying a victim's family before their name was released.
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