
Mostrando postagens de setembro, 2020

TIL Biz Markie was not supposed to sing the chorus in his hit song "Just a Friend", but none of the people he invited showed up at the studio so he sang it himself.

TIL that the mere existence of other galaxies in the universe has only been known by humans for roughly 100 years; before that it was believed that the Milky Way contained every star in the universe.

TIL poop is brown because of bile and dead red blood cells.

TIL that lobsters don't age the way other living creatures do—they don't lower their reproductive ability, slow their metabolism, or decrease in strength. Because of their molting process, it is difficult to determine their actual ages. They continue growing larger with each molt until they die.

TIL that the United States Supreme Court building features a gym on the fifth floor, along with a basketball court jokingly called "the highest court in the land".

TIL one American Chef, Cecilia Chang, is credited for bringing over northern Chinese food to San Francisco in 1960. She introduced Hunan, Scheswean, and other northern styles. Potstickers, peking duck, lettuce wraps, and many more.

TIL there is a legal definition of bread. Ireland’s highest court ruled that Subway’s bread contains too much sugar to legally defined as bread.

TIL That "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day is About, Lead Singer, Billie Joe Armstrong's Father Dying of Esophageal Cancer on September 1st, 1982, When Billie was 10 years old.

TIL In 2003 a 40 year old man became the 1st person in recorded history to survive an intentional plunge over Niagara Falls without being inside a barrel or other device. He was wearing only his clothes that day. 14 years later he was killed in his 2nd trip down the falls in a large inflatable ball.

TIL the world's Jewish population still has not recovered from the Holocaust; in 1939, the population was 16.6 million, while the most recent count put the population at 14.5 million

TIL The Red Delicious apple was the number one best selling apple variety in the US for 50 years. That finally ended in 2018 when the Gala apple usurped the top spot. Consumer preferences for apples are shifting to sweeter varieties with more complex taste profiles.

TIL that the Rocky Mountains were once a plateau higher than Tibet, but because the mountains are much older than the very young Himalayas they have eroded away to their present altitude.

TIL cinnamon is made from the inner bark of laurel trees, and used to be more valuable than gold.

TIL that Lake Nicaragua, a landlocked lake, has Bull Sharks, despite being marine animals. Initially it was assumed to be a endemic freshwater species, but turns out the sharks travel up the 190km San Juan River which connects lake and Caribbean ocean. You can also find tarpon and sawfish there.

TIL: When people act like Frankenstein's monster, they often stretch their arms out in front of them because of the 1943 movie Frankenstein Meets the Wolf-Man. In the movie the monster is blinded and has to walk holding his hands in front of him.

TIL that The Office character Dwight Schrute didn't just speak the Dothraki language from Game of Thrones, he improved it: the writers correctly used its grammar and invented a new construction. David J. Peterson, the language's creator, made it canon and named it the Schrutean compound.

TIL that the Persians invented Air Conditioning. They developed ventilation system known as the windcatcher (or wind tower) which was a structure attached to the top of a building, which would draw cool air down, push warm air up, and keep the building a comfortable temperature in hot weather.

TIL Essential oils are not “essential”. An essential oil is "essential" in the sense that it contains the "essence of" the plant's fragrance. The term "essential" used here does not mean indispensable or usable by the human body.

TIL about Bayard Rustin. He was a civil rights activist who convinced MLK to abandon violent protesting and instead adopt "Gandhian" non-violent tactics. Later, a political rival found out about his homosexuality and Rustin choose to step into the shadows to protect the cause.

TIL that dogs can get “Limber Tail,” sore tail muscles from working out too hard, often resulting from swimming, and can cause the dog to have such a sore tail that touching the tail may result in the dog crying and the tail may not wag for days.

TIL In 2011, the State of New York proclaimed that wiffle ball, as well as kickball, freeze tag and dodgeball were "unsafe" for children, and that any summer camp program that included two or more of such activities would be subject to government regulation.

TIL In May 1998, Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf beat Leonardo DiCaprio as People Magazine's Most Beautiful Person. As a joke write-in candidate, Hank was nominated enmass by fans of The Howard Stern Show as a chance to "violate People's expectations while still playing by its rules".

TIL when Who Framed Roger Rabbit was released on LaserDisc, Variety reported that viewers had noticed a freeze frame that featured brief nudity. The controversy grew, fuelled by media reports, and retailers said within minutes of the LaserDisc release, their entire stock sold out.

TIL that Hasbro trademarked the smell of Play-Doh, and in order to do so they had to explicitly define every nuance of the scent.

TIL that Hasbro trademarked the smell of Play-Doh, and in order to do so they had to explicitly define every nuance of the scent.

TIL that the ancient Greek messengers (hemerodromos: one of the men in the Greek military known as day-long runners) routinely ran hundreds on miles on trips to spread information across the Greek city states.

TIL A village in Rajasthan, India plants 111 trees for every girl child born in that village and now they have a whole forest.

TIL that Poland had secretly broken and were keeping up with the rapidly changing Enigma cipher, years before UK, with the help of a device called 'Bomba' designed by mathematician Marian Rejewski

TIL that Thai last names are so long because Thai citizens are not legally allowed to have the same last name as anyone they’re not related to

TIL in 2015 a fan of the Austrailian band Peking Duk got backstage at their concert by adding himself as a family member on their Wiki page and showing it to security. The band wasn't even upset, saying "We ended up having a bunch of beers with him and he was an absolute legend."

TIL of Krista and Tatiana Hogan, one of the rarest forms of conjoined twins. Their brains are connected by a thalamic bridge which gives them unique neurological capabilities. They can feel and taste what the other is experiencing, can see through each other's eyes, and hear each other's thoughts.

TIL Queen Victoria, the matriarch of the British Empire proposed to her future husband Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha because according to tradition a man couldn’t propose to the queen.

TIL Charlie Chaplin was the subject of an FBI investigation due to alleged communist sympathies during the height of McCarthyism. He later said "As for politics, I am an anarchist. I hate government and rules - and fetters ... People must be free."

TIL It's better to leave an impaled knife in place until it can be surgically removed rather than remove it on the spot - once the knife has punctured deeply, it controls the bleeding. Removing the knife risks uncontrolled bleeding.

TIL that Mercedes-Benz will send you an award certificate and a radiator emblem if you reach milestones of 250,000, 500,000, 750,000, 1,000,000, and 1,610,000 kilometers on your vehicle

TIL in 2009 a drunk oil broker in an alcohol-induced blackout bought 69% of the global oil futures market throughout the night. This raised the price by $1.50 per barrel, a trend generally associated with major geopolitical events.

TIL that the phrase 'pulling out all the stops' comes from pipe-organ terminology, where the knobs called stops have to be pulled out to activate each pipe-set. Pulling out all stops creates the grandest and loudest sound.

TIL that towards the end of William the Conqueror's life, he got so fat that his horse was visibly suffering when he rode it. Even King Philip I of France teased him about it, asking if he was pregnant. So he went on a diet: he didn't eat any food, and only drank alcohol, until he lost enough weight

TIL When American nun Patti Ganal was kidnapped in Egypt in 2012, she asked her translator to tell a captor that his cigarette was bothering her. The translator said, "Are you joking? You are kidnapped." She insisted, the translator relayed her request, and the captor put the cigarette out.

TIL that in 2016, Dubai man Mohamed Basheer bought a lottery ticket before boarding an Emirates flight, which crashed and exploded. He escaped the crash and won $1 million.

TIL that hospital staff were stunned when Bill Gates made an unexpected visit in 2010 to the death bed of Dr. Ed Roberts, his first employer and developer of the first commercially successful personal computer.

TIL a British man named Chris discovered his girlfriend was cheating when his pet parrot Ziggy Stardust started saying "I love you, Gary" in her voice. To make matters worse he later had to get rid of Ziggy because "it was torture hearing him repeat that name over and over again."

TIL That when Bill Paxton died, hundreds of storm chasers spelt out his initials BP across three states using GPS markers to honor him for his role as a storm chaser in the 90s movie Twister.

TIL Cillian Murphy's character Tommy Shelby in Peaky Blinders has smoked over 3000 herbal rose cigarettes so far

TIL the study that was reported in saying “cheese is just as addictive as drugs” actually found no such thing. The dietician who made the questionable claim works for an advocacy group called the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, which pushes veganism and urges people to shun cheese.

TIL that the French Revolution helped create restaurants and a fine dining culture that was available to the masses. After the revolution, chefs who worked for aristocrats were unemployed, so they began cooking for the public. Before this, only wealthy people were able to enjoy fine dining.

TIL in 2004 the computer worm "Slammer" almost took down the entire internet in 15 minutes. The malware was very small (404 bytes) and once it infected a server it would send millions of copies to random IP addresses. It caused over $1 billion in damages and the creator has never been identified.

TIL that on the day of Korea's College Admissions Exams (Suneung), the Korean governemnt grounds aircrafts and reroutes flights to prevent students from getting distracted during the exam of their lives

TIL at the age of 8, Glenn Cunningham sustained badly burned legs due to an explosion at school. Doctors said that he'd never walk normally again and recommended amputation. He begged his parents to disagree and they sided by him. Seventeen years later, he set the record for the quickest mile run

TIL that beaver colonies can occupy an area for 1000s of years. Lewis Henry Morgan observed and mapped beaver ponds in Michigan's Upper Peninsula in the 1800s and 150 years later 75% of the original dams and ponds were still there.