
Mostrando postagens de outubro, 2020

TIL in 2008 the Mayor of Belleville Illinois banned anyone over 12 from trick-or-treating, with violators receiving fines or even jail time.

TIL Daryl Hall and John Oates, from 80s band Hall & Oates, first met when gunfire from rival gangs broke out at a music competition they were attending and they ran into the same service elevator to escape

TIL The Vietnam war in Vietnam is called, the American War, or the, Resistance War Against America.

TIL that Alan Alda met his wife of over 60 years at a dinner party when they were the only two guests who ate the rum cake after it fell on the kitchen floor.

TIL about two boys from Dublin who travelled to New York via London on their own while evading authorities at only 8 and 10 years of age. They told their mother they wouldn’t go far as she had the dinner on.

TIL: When chicago radio station “the loop” was replaced by a Christian music station. They signed off with highway to hell!

TIL of Doug Hegdahl, who was captured during the Vietnam War, who remembered the names of about 256 fellow POWs to the tune of "Old Macdonald Had A Farm" and revealed the conditions of the POW camp to the world

TIL When the Eagles broke up in 1980, Don Henley said in an interview that they would play again together “when Hell freezes over.” 14 years later, the Eagles released their comeback album, Hell Freezes Over.

TIL that despite being widely publicized, the Hindenburg disaster was only the 4th worst airship disaster.

TIL earwax analysis shows WWII was stressful for whales

TIL that U.S. presidential candidates used to not campaign for themselves and feigned disinterest for the position because of the belief that the presidency of the United States should neither be sought nor declined and that political campaigns were beneath the dignity of men suited for governance.

TIL about Jim Thorpe, the first Native American to win a gold medal in the United States. On the morning of his decathlon event, his running shoes were stolen. Using two mismatched shoes (including one taken from the garbage), he won the gold.

TIL that Grandma Gatewood was the first woman to hike the 2,000+ mile Appalachian Trail solo and in one season, using only Converse shoes, an army blanket and a plastic shower curtain after reading about it in a magazine and telling her children she was going for a walk.

TIL in 1817 a woman posed as the fictional Princess Caraboo of Javasu. She fooled a small British town for months into believing she was a princess who had been captured by pirates, jumped overboard in the British Channel and swam ashore. She was later recognised as a cobbler's daughter from Devon.

TIL the upper limit for Yu-Gi-Oh! decks is 60 cards because someone once entered a tournament with a 2000+ cards deck and that wasn't illegal at the time

TIL that the filmmakers for ‘The Blair Witch Project’ saved money by returning the video camera to Circuit City after they were done filming

TIL Instagram star Dan Bilzerian's father Paul was involved in one of the SEC's longest running fraud cases. He spent 25 hiding assets from the US gov. and the SEC finally admitted defeat. Many believe Dan's fortune didn't come from poker, as he claims, but he simply inherited money from his father.

TIL that in 1910, two boys, Louis and Temple Abernathy decided to cross America by horseback from Oklahoma to Manhattan to meet Theodore Roosevelt. They were 10 and 6 years old. Then they decided to buy a car to come back home, while their horses made the return by train.

TIL Pumpkins evolved to be eaten by wooly mammoths and giant sloths. Pumpkins would likely be extinct today if ancient humans hadn't conserved them.

TIL that Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace have horological conservators. Their job is to check the 400(WC) and 600(BP) clocks daily, wind them all once a week, and reset them for Daylight Savings Time. The clocks in the kitchen are set 5 minutes fast to ensure the food comes out on time.

TIL that Japanese pro wrestler Rikidōzan often went to the bar immediately after his matches, without treating his wounds first. When patrons asked him why his face was bloodied, he'd reply "I had a tough day at work."

TIL hay bales can spontaneously combust if their moisture content exceeds 22%

TIL Windsocks are calibrated to visually show wind speed as well as wind direction. They are designed such that each inflated red/white stripe indicates a 3 knot increase in wind speed to a maximum of 15 knots.

TIL the comedy central office assistant who received the call that dave chappelle had left chappelle's show was john mulaney

TIL the creator of the Rainforest Cafe chain first tested out the concept in his house. He decorated it with 45 birds, 9 fish tanks, and many plants. He even set up fake thunderstorms. His neighbors thought he was crazy.

TIL The formal clothing of the Roman Citizen was the Toga. During Roman elections, those running for political office would rub their Toga with a dazzling white chalk to stand out. Called Toga Candida (pure-white) this clothing was the origin of the word "candidate".

TIL porcupines are good climbers and spend much of their time in trees

TIL the Irish word for jellyfish, smugairle róin, translates literally as 'seal snot'.

TIL In April of 1996, Taco Bell announced in seven leading U.S. newspapers, including the New York Times, that the company had purchased the Liberty Bell to "reduce the country's debt" and renamed it the "Taco Liberty Bell". Outraged people were happy to hear that it was an April Fools Day prank.

TIL there are planets considered more habitable than Earth, based on potential for biodiversity. Scientists have identified 24 such planets so far.

TIL of Herostratus, an Ancient Greek arsonist who burned down the Temple of Artemis in the hope that he would be remembered forever. His city not only executed him, but forbade his name ever being spoken again in the hopes of preventing this, obviously unsuccessfully

TIL Amtrak trains running at 2am on the Sunday in November when daylight savings 'falls back" must come to a full stop for one hour. This allows clocks to catch up to the train schedule.

TIL the Inka never developed writing but instead had a system of tying knots called khipu in which the color, direction and structure of the knots communicated different information. While most of it is numerical, fully cracking the code reveal a phonetic khipu alphabet with records of history.

TIL about "Homegrown National Park," an effort to encourage Americans to plant as many native plants as possible everywhere on their property to help bring back the continent's biodiversity

TIL that studies by the IIHS and Federal Highway Administration have shown that roundabouts typically achieve: A 37 percent reduction in overall collisions. A 75 percent reduction in injury collisions. A 90 percent reduction in fatality collisions.

TIL The grand children of Hermann Göring (commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe and highly ranked Nazi Officer) sterilised themselves to cut the family line.

TIL In Switzerland, you can be denied citizenship if your neighbors think you’re too annoying

TIL Gwen Stefani’s older brother, Eric, was the brainchild behind No Doubt and also worked as an animator on Rugrats and The Simpsons

TIL when Buzz Aldrin, second man on the moon, guest starred in The Simpsons, writers were concerned he would be offended by his line, "second comes after first," and offered an alternative- "first to take a soil sample." However, Aldrin preferred the original line, and it remained in the script.

TIL of "Lost Dakota"- a small portion of the Dakota Territory that was not given to any state in the late 19th century and was subsequently forgotten for five years. It was later annexed by Montana and is uninhabited to this day, although it is reportedly "infested with grizzly bears".

TIL of king penguin, Lala who was injured and nursed back to health in Japan. He didn't leave so the family adopted him and lived in a air-conditioned room. He walked around the neighborhood and got himself fishes from the store. He lived with the family for 10 years before dying of old age in 1996.

TIL that in 2011, the Perth Mint cast a 1 ton gold coin. Made out of 99.99% pure gold valued at 50 million AUD, the coin was actual legal currency, with a face value of 1 million AUD.

TIL about Guinea Worm Disease, an extremely painful parasitic infection characterized by spaghetti-like worms up to 1 meter in length slowly emerging from the human body through blisters on the skin.

TIL about Bridger Walker who saved his little sister from a vicious dog attack, stating, “If someone had to die, I thought it should be me,”. After his heroic act he was crowned heavyweight world champion by the World Boxing Council for a day. nsfw.

TIL Confucius' family tree is the longest recorded extant pedigree in the world. There are 2 million registered modern descendants, with major branches in Korea (where his family was invited by the Goryeo dynasty in 1351) and Taiwan (where family members fled during the Chinese civil war)

TIL There are no actual photos of the Milky Way galaxy in its entirety from space. No manmade object has ventured out far enough to be able to take one. Every image so far has been artists' renditions based on data gathered from various telescopes over time.

TIL that Southern live oak was a secret weapon of the USS Constitution, one of America's first naval vessels, that was nicknamed "Old Ironsides" after so many cannonballs bounced off her hull because live oak wood is a super dense wood.

TIL there’s evidence that trees communicate via a vast, underground network of fungal connections similar to a brain

TIL that when Native Americans occupied Alcatraz Island in 1969, they offered to buy the island from the US government for $24 in glass beads and cloth, the price allegedly paid to Native Americans for Manhattan Island in the 17th century.

TIL that when ballpoint pens were first introduced in 1945, they cost $12.50 each, which would be $182 today's money.