
Mostrando postagens de dezembro, 2020

TIL that Dog the Bounty Hunter met Beth Chapman, his late wife, when he posted her bond after she shoplifted a lemon.

TIL that a giant tortoise species was believed to be extinct for 113 years, only for it to be discovered again in Galápagos, 2019.

TIL that when Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in 1963, doctors predicted he had about 2 and a half years to live. Fortunately, the disease progressed much slower that the doctors expected, and Hawking lived up to 76 years before dying in March 14, 2018.

TIL that the water of Lake Baikal is renowned for being some of the clearest in the world. When the lake freezes during the winter, an amazing phenomena takes place: large shards of transparent ice form on the surface of the lake, giving the amazing appearance of turquoise ice.

TIL Bambi was used for fire prevention programs. However, could not be used indefinitely because it was loaned from Walt Disney Studios for only a year. The Forest Service needed to find an animal that would belong to them. The Forest Service decided that the fire prevention symbol would be a bear.

TIL Shaq has been a DJ since 1986, and goes by the stage name DJ Diesel. He used to mix Hip Hop music until his retirement in 2011, where he performed at the TomorrowWorld Electronic Music Festival and discovered his love for electro. He now mixes Electronic genres, mostly riddim dubstep

TIL that the majority of MF Doom and Madlib's Madvillainy was recorded in an old bomb shelter in Mount Washington, Los Angeles.

TIL: The message to new moms? Leave dad alone with baby. “Studies have actually shown that children who get more attention from their fathers in their first five years of life, actually have better reading scores in school”

TIL the Antikythera Shipwreck of the First Century BCE, discovered by Greek sponge divers, yielded artifacts including art, jewelry, a statue of Herakles, coins, but most importantly the Antikythera Mechanism, interlocking gears that computed the movements of the sun, the moon, and eclipse dates

TIL: All 200 million of the European Starlings in North America originated from 100 birds let loose in NYC Central park in the 1890's. They were "released by a group who wanted America to have all the birds that Shakespeare ever mentioned." Now considered an aggressive invasive species.

TIL about Chocolate Blooms. When your chocolate is covered in white/grey powder, it means it has either had a Sugar Bloom or Fat Bloom. And it's still safe to eat! But means the chocolate has been stored incorrectly.

TIL of Mike, a cat who guarded the gates of the British Museum. He spent 20 years on the job, gaining notoriety for his disliking of females and dogs, and only allowing certain people to feed him. Even after retiring he occasionally chased off dogs, who reportedly "fled in terror" when he attacked.

TIL there are 4th, 5th, and 6th degree burns, used primarily in forensics, but they are ignored in first aid classes because if someone has above a 3rd degree burn they are likely dead.

TIL about Project Marauder, a plasma railgun that created "Doughnut-shaped rings of plasma and balls of lightning that exploded with devastating thermal and mechanical effects" and was immediately classified

TIL The Sound of Music is not completely accurate to the history of the Von Trapp family. The marriage of Maria and Georg was for practical reasons, rather than actual love for one another. Maria wrote, "I really and truly was not in love," but later acknowledged that she enjoyed a happy marriage.

TIL in Iceland people light candles for the huldufólk, hidden elves, during New Year's Eve to help the huldufólk find a new home for the year.

TIL about The floating turd mystery that still haunts NASA. During Apollo 10 — in which a crewed spacecraft orbited the moon as a dress rehearsal for the first lunar landing — astronauts encountered a deep mystery. One of them had left a "turd floating in the air".

TIL in the Sellafield nuclear power plant there is an industrial freezer packed with an expanding mountain of radioactive seagulls that were shot by snipers employed by the plant

TIL The Earth's rotation and speed changes with the weather and geological events. This means atomic time and solar time may not be identical. Sometimes leap seconds are needed for an adjustment. On 31 Dec 2016, a leap second was added, and the time 23:59:60 existed.

TIL U.S. President Ronald Reagan is responsible for the drinking age being set at 21 years in 1984, prior to which many states had a lower drinking age at 18 or 20 only.

TIL: The residents of the Spanish village Villar de Corneja near Avila, where the average age is 75, toast the New Year 12 hours before the rest of their countrymen in a collective decision to get to bed at a decent hour.

TIL While the words concrete and cement are often used interchangeably, cement is actually a bonding agent added to concrete, and they are not the same thing.

TIL that Grand Duke Alexis, son of Russian Tsar Alexander II, made regular overseas trips to have tattoos done by master artists, including a journey to Japan to get an elaborate dragon tattoo covering his entire right arm - and at the end of the 19th century, was the most tattooed person in Europe

TIL In some jurisdictions, dancers at strip clubs are only permitted to expose breasts and/or genitals when performing on a raised platform; they must be dressed before their feet touch the venue's main floor. Managers responsible for enforcing this rule communicate it as 'the floor is lava'.

TIL Sarbi, a Special Forces dog from Australia, trained in explosives detection, was MIA for 14 months in Afghanistan after disappearing during an ambush in 2008. She was later rediscovered by an American soldier and flown back to her Australian handlers.

TIL that Edgar Allan Poe probably didn’t die of alcoholism, as long believed. Modern doctors believe his symptoms were that of rabies.

TIL Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) was a dirt poor Scottish kid who immigrated to the U.S. where he became the richest man in the world. He gave away $350 million, nearly 90 percent of the fortune he accumulated through the railroad and steel industries.

TIL during the winter, people spend more time indoors with the windows sealed, so they are more likely to breathe the same air as someone who has the flu and thus contract the virus.Days are shorter during the winter, and lack of sunlight leads to low levels of vitamin D decreasing immunity to virus

TIL I learned Sue, the most complete T. Rex skeleton, was discovered by paleontologist Sue Hendrickson when she and her crew got a flat tire at the end of their field season. During repairs, Hendrickson found bones at a cliff face leading the discovery of larger bones in the cliff's formation.

TIL Japan's aging demographic problem is so bad the country sells more adult diapers than baby ones

TIL The word "thug" comes from a murderous cult of bandits in India called Thuggee, who worshipped the Hindu goddess of death and destruction

TIL that almost 1 of every 4 beds sold in the late Eighties was a Waterbed. Then the industry dried up in the Nineties.

TIL that musician Moby claimed in his second memoir to have been in a relationship with actress Natalie Portman when she was 18. Portman denied it, saying “my recollection is a much older man being creepy with me when I just had graduated high school.” Moby canceled his book tour and apologized.

TIL it’s a myth that humans swallow an average of 8 spiders per year while they’re asleep. It was a made up by a columnist named Lisa Holst who wanted to show how quickly misinformation can spread.

TIL That fungi are growing on the walls of Chernobyl's ruined nuclear reactor. They seem to absorb radiation and convert it into chemical energy for growth.

TIL in 1990, Julia Roberts and Kiefer Sutherland were to be married - but Julia ran away to Europe with Kiefer's best friend. Humiliated, Kiefer took solace in steer roping. And despite breaking three fingers at his first rodeo he persevered to become a tournament-winning rider on the rodeo circuit.

TIL that in 1990, a man named Iben Browning predicted a massive earthquake would hit New Madrid, Missouri on December 3rd. The prediction sparked a panic. Schools in 5 states closed, and over 200 media outlets sent reporters to the area. Browning had no seismology expertise, and nothing happened.

TIL that Homo erectus stood about 1.79m (5'10"). Only 17% of modern male humans are taller - Their fossils were the oldest known early humans to have possessed modern human-like body proportions. And they are the longest lived human species around 9 times as long as our own species H.Sapiens.

TIL of Caspar, a cat who in 2006 disappeared from his home. It was not until 2009 that his owner found out he was a regular bus commuter. Drivers told her he would politely queue with other passengers at the bus stop, and when a bus came that he liked, he got on and found his favourite seat.

TIL that instead of saying "once upon a time," Korean fantasies usually begin with "back when tigers used to smoke".

TIL of Mamitu Gashe, an Ethiopian woman who suffered from an obstetric fistula as a teen. She remained at the free hospital where it was repaired to help out with chores. Over time her responsibilities grew, until she became one of the leading surgeons in her field without formal medical education.

TIL about whale fall. Where a dead dead whale or other sea creature falls to the bottom of deep ocean floor and creates an otherworldly feast bonanza for the bottom dwelling animals and nourishing a whole ecosystem

TIL about "Daughter from California" Syndrome, in which a dying, elderly hospital patient receives a visit from a long-lost relative, who -- in shock over the patient's level of deterioration -- guiltily tries to assert themselves as caregiver, while demanding aggressive, unrealistic treatment.

TIL: A research that analyzed the birthdays of all 20 million husbands and wives in England and Wales failed to reveal any evidence of attraction or compatibility between people of particular star signs.

TIL that Wayne’s World was directed by a woman, Penelope Spheeris, who also directed Black Sheep, Little Rascals, and music videos for Megadeth. She won a Grammy for her extended “Bohemian Rhapsody” sequence from Wayne’s World.

TIL a 3000 mile long fiber-optic cable called Project Express was installed between London & New York in 2012. At a cost of $300 Million, the line was designed to shave 5 milliseconds from financial trades between the two cities.

TIL that in the Iron Age, Yahweh was the storm-and-warrior deity of the Israelites, who lead the heavenly army against Israel's enemies. At the time, he was worshipped alongside a variety of other gods and goddesses, but over time they were merged or progressively thrown away

TIL President Kennedy was prescribed a rocking chair for back pain. He found one he liked so much he bought 14 copies for the Oval Office, Camp David, Air Force One, and homes of his family. He also gifted them to heads of state.

TIL that 80's metal bands Twisted Sister and Manowar were involved in a feud. In an interview, Manowar called Twisted Sister a bunch of 'sissy boys with makeup'. Twisted Sister challenged them to a street fight at Covent Garden, but Manowar never showed up and later apologised for offending them.

TIL Sue Grafton, known author of the "alphabet series" ('"A" Is for Alibi', '"B" Is for Burglar', etc) died months after the release of '"Y" is for Yesterday', leaving her one book shy of the complete series.