
Mostrando postagens de abril, 2022

TIL When you stand, your body compensates for gravity by constricting blood vessels, ensuring that enough blood returns to your brain. In people with orthostatic hypotension, this mechanism fails and their blood pressure drops, leading to dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision and fainting.

TIL 1931 Best Picture nominee Trader Horn, the first non-documentary filmed in Africa, had one crew member eaten by a crocodile, another stampeded by a rhinoceros, and the lead actress suffered a career ending illness

TIL, the reason for many serial Killers "having three names", such as John Wayne Gacy, Henry Lee Lucas, Lee Harvey Oswald, is actually a convention of media reporting, under the assumption that by using the middle name people with the same first and last name will not be misidentified as the killer.

TIL about “teaser” stallions whose job it is to tell if a mare is ready for mating. He never gets to do the actual mating - the valuable stallion does. Kind owners sometimes give him a “consolation mare” to mate so he doesn't get sexually frustrated with his job.

TIL of "Pad Man" Arunachalam Muruganantham who devised a way to cheaply manufacture menstrual pads for poor regions

TIL bone fragments from the Early Miocene discovered in 1978 provide evidence that fully terrestrial mammals once lived in what is now New Zealand. The animal is currently unnamed

TIL In 1958 the French Army invaded Corsica and planned to attack Paris. There was a crisis in Algeria at the time and French generals wanted Charles de Gaulle to return to power to deal with the issue. The invasion of Paris was canceled when parliament invited de Gaulle to be Prime Minister again.

TIL one of London’s hidden rivers runs over a tube station, Sloane Square, held inside an iron conduit built in the 19th century.

TIL Mr. Perfect, Curt Hennig saved Baseball Hall of Famer, Wade Boggs from bleeding to death while on a hunting trip

TIL that "topless swimsuits" are monokinis and were designed in 1962 by Austrian Rudi Gernreich, who predicted that "bosoms will be uncovered within five years"

TIL that in 1879 Alabama dissolved the debt-ridden city of Mobile and simultaneously incorporated the 'Port of Mobile', with most of Mobile's land and population but none of its debt. The Supreme Court ruled in 1886 that the new city was the successor to the old and still owned the debts.

TIL about Ron Clifford, a man who survived the 9/11 attacks after his business meeting was moved to the World Trade Center. In a tragic coincidence, Ron's sister Ruth and her 4-year old daughter Juliana were both on American Airlines Flight 175, the plane that hit the South Tower.

TIL when Wolves were reintroduced to Yellow stone national park in 1995, the population of Beavers grew massively as there was less Elk to eat the Willow needed for Beavers to survive the winter. The Beaver dams also counter erosion and create new pond and marsh habitats for lots of other species.

TIL that the planet Mercury has a tail, much like a comet, thanks to sodium atoms blasted off its surface and atmosphere by solar winds

TIL King William IV of the United Kingdom had 10 illegitimate children with Irish actress Dorothea Jordan. They were given the last name FitzClarence, as William was the Duke of Clarence at the time of the relationship and Fitz means "Son of".

TIL that in 1965, the painter Roman Opałka had the idea of representing the passing of time by painting numbers: he painted a 1, then a 2, then a 3, etc, and continued for the rest of his life. The last number he painted before he died in 2011 was 5607249.

TIL The Beatles single “Hey Jude” was almost not released because record executives thought the vinyl label was pornographic.

TIL that when a German bomb directly hit Buckingham Palace in 1940, The Queen Mother reacted by saying: 'I am glad we have been bombed. It makes me feel I can look the East End in the face', and later refused to leave for Canada with her children on the advice of Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

TIL about billionaire philanthropist Chuck Feeney, who has given away more than $8 billion and now lives in a rented apartment with a remaining balance of $2 million.

TIL A horse can have as much as 14.9 horsepower

TIL that in 1975, upon gaining independence, Papua New Guinea extended an invitation to Queen Elizabeth II - known there as 'Missis Kwin' - to become their head of state, making her an elected Monarch of sorts.

TIL There is only one female sniper in the US Army and the public doesn't know her name

TIL A killing committed on an iceberg outside of any country's territorial waters led to such a massive kerfuffle over the questions of jurisdiction and who had the right to try the defendant that it is being examined as a possible case study in the event murder occurs in outer space.

TIL The world's oldest known joke comes from a Sumerian tablet dated to around 1900 BC. It goes: “Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband’s lap.”.

TIL Robert Hines who was launched into space today attended Space Camp as kid at age 14 in 1989, three years after SpaceCamp the movie was released in 1986.

TIL Despite growing up in South Carolina, comedian Stephen Colbert does not speak with a southern accent. As a child, he saw that Southerners were often depicted as being less intelligent than other characters on TV. Instead, he taught himself to imitate the speech of news anchors

TIL that during the Mexican-American war, General Winfield Scott used the highly risky tactic of abandoning his supply lines and foraging for needed supplies to continue his attack. One of his staff officers, William T. Sherman, would later use this tactic in the Civil War in his March to the Sea.

TIL that the Battle of the Bulge marked the first time the U.S. Army desegregated troops during WWII.

TIL that to save his family from destitution, a dying President Ulysses S. Grant wrote his memoirs in just five weeks while in excruciating pain. He died a few days after finishing. His memoirs were a critical and commercial success, earning his wife $450,000 ($13.5m today). Grant turns 200 today!

TIL of the "Coal Wars" in the US, where from 1890-1930, many wars were fought against armed unions of workers. The Battle of Blair Mountain alone was the second largest uprising in the US (only after the Civil War), where over 1,000,000 rounds were fired.

TIL that onboard Apollo 10's mission to orbit the moon, there was an emergency when one of the astronaut's poop got loose and floated around the ship. All three astronauts denied responsibility. This came to light when the mission transcripts were declassified

TIL about "stotting", where some herbivores will jump high in the air with stiff legs to (presumably) signal predators that they are too fit to attempt to catch.

TIL about Thomas Midgley, considered the Most Harmful Inventor in History who invented leaded gasoline and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Both of these inventions caused a great magnitude of damage to both human and planetary health.

TIL in 1997, Disney offered to purchase Knott's Berry Farm, which would have been part of the Disneyland Resort and converted to Disney's America, originally meant to be built near D.C. The Knotts refused to sell the park to Disney out of fear most of what Walter Knott had built would be eliminated.

TIL that modern diesel trains can move a ton of freight 492 miles on a single gallon of gas.

TIL that Chuck E Cheese was created by the Co-Founder of Atari Video Games as a way to open up arcade games to younger children.

TIL the producer of the Sonic games Yuji Naka was visiting an American studio and said in his native Japanese how he was going to poach their game engine to use for Sonic Adventure. The game was cancelled because most of the development team spoke Japanese and quit on the spot in disgust.

TIL during the Titanic's sinking, Lucile Carter and her children was separated from her husband William. When she met him again on the rescue ship Carpathia, "All he said was that he had had a jolly good breakfast and that he never thought I would make it." They divorced less than two years later.

TIL of the documentary: Born Rich, made by Jamie Johnson (great-grandson to the founder of Johnson & Johnson) about the experiences of those who were born into the ultra-wealthy. For producing and releasing the film, Jamie was deemed by his peers to be a "traitor to his class".

TIL that in 1974 there were at least 5 serial killers active including the BTK Killer, John Wayne Gacy, and Ted Bundy.

TIL Abraham Lincoln was a dual citizen of the United States and the tiny country of San Marino. He accepted honorary Sammarinese citizenship after recognizing them as a nation, saying “Although your dominion is small, your State is nevertheless one of the most honored, in all history."

TIL unauthorized use of sperm for insemination has a name: spurgling, a portmanteau of "sperm" and "burgling"

TIL in the 70's and 80's, dead acidic lakes were fairly common in the US, Europe and Canada because of acid rain. The acidity in lakes killed all microbes and aquatic life, resulting in crystal clear water that allowed the lake bottom to be visible.

TIL that Outback Steakhouse was founded in Tampa, FL by four Americans who had never visited Australia. They simply saw an opportunity to ride the wave of popularity of all things Australian following the 1986 film Crocodile Dundee. Their concept was “American food and Australian fun.”

TIL in WW1 British engineers spent two years digging tunnels under German lines, using them to set off 19 massive explosions simultaneously

TIL - An Eclipse Never Comes Alone! A solar eclipse always occurs about two weeks before or after a lunar eclipse.

TIL Doctors will imitate lifesaving procedures on a destined-for-death patient in the scenario the patient's family does not want to accept death. It's referred to as "Slow-code" and is typically a decision made under the table.

TIL that fireflies are facing extinction in the United States.

TIL about Theo van Gogh, Vincent's younger Brother, whose unfailing financial and emotional support allowed his brother to devote himself entirely to painting. He also died 6 months after his brother's suicide and today they are buried next to each other at the cemetery of Auvers-sur-Oise.

TIL about the Alford Plea, a guilty plea in criminal court, whereby a defendant in a criminal case does not admit to the criminal act and asserts innocence. "I just pleaded guilty because they said if I didn't, they would gas me for it," wrote Alford in one of his appeals.