
Mostrando postagens de maio, 2022

TIL: In 1799 a boy named Conrad Reed found a 17lb rock made of gold in a creek in North Carolina and used it as a doorstop in the familys home. In 1802, His father John Reed showed the rock to a jeweler, who recognized it as gold and offered to buy it. Reed unaware of the real value sold it for $3.5

TIL that on the entire 4300 mile length of the Amazon river there are no bridges

TIL that during the filming of My Left Foot (1989), Oscar winning actor, Daniel Day-Lewis remained in character for the whole production. He stayed in the wheel chair for the duration of the shot and the film crew had to lift him over obstacles. They had to feed him too.

TIL in 2013 an angler won £800 in a fishing completion with a 13lb Bass, he then sold it to a fishmonger. However he had stolen it from a local aquarium, another competitor recognized it, and tipped off police. He was arrested and admitted theft and fraud.

TIL that 98% of electricity generation whether nuclear, coal, hydro, or wind - are all just different methods of spinning electromagnets. Solar is the only industrial- scale method that doesn’t use turbines of some kind.

TIL that the gangster scene that Kevin watches in Home Alone was from a fake movie called “Angels with Filthy Souls” and was specifically shot for Home Alone.

TIL the difference between news agencies (Reuters/AP) and news organizations (Fox/CNN). Agencies report and unbiasedly summarize news which organizations then buy and spin for their own audiences. So, if you want free, factual and unbiased reporting, you can just read reporting from an agency.

TIL that sloths have algae, fungi, moths and insects growing in their hair. Some of the fungal strains are showing uses in treatment for malaria, chagas disease and even breast cancer.

TIL that in 1976, George Washington was posthumously appointed to the grade of 'General of the Armies of the United States,' the highest rank possible, to ensure that he could never be outranked.

TIL The London Underground has its own subspecies of mosquito that lives exclusively in the stations and tunnels

TIL that in the UK, prostate cancer kills more patients a year than Breast Cancer

TIL in the 1800s, the country now known as Vietnam asked the Qing dynasty to change their name to "Nam Việt". The dynasty said no, and changed their name to "Việt Nam" instead.

TIL Ancient Greeks Voted to Kick Politicians Out of Athens if Enough People Didn’t Like Them

TIL the Boeing 747 can carry an extra engine on its wing. Airlines used to use this capability regularly, when engines were less reliable, to deliver replacements to their stranded planes.

TIL that while Ewan McGregor was filming a documentary in Mongolia, his plan of leaving the country at an earlier point fell through. So during his extended stay in Mongolia, he went to an orphanage where he met a 4-year-old orphan. Ewan later adopted her

TIL that for a brief period in the 1920s, Mongolia was ruled by a German dictator who intended to create a pan-eurasian monarchy spanning from China to Europe

TIL that the last pharaoh of Egypt, Caesarion, was assassinated by the first Roman emperor, Octavian Augustus, because he was afraid that he would later become a threat to himself and to the Roman empire.

TIL about Jordan Romero a US Mountain Climber who at 13 was the youngest person to reach the summit of Mount Everest, having been too young to gain a permit from Nepal this climb was started from Tibet, China has since imposed minimum age limits for permits meaning this record cannot everbe broken

TIL that 5.8% of people living in Nunavut, Canada's northernmost territory, report having no knowledge of either English or French. Presumably, most of these people only speak Inuit languages

TIL Shit Life Syndrome (SLS) is a term that has been used by doctors in the United Kingdom and the United States to describe the effect that a variety of adverse socioeconomic factors can have on patients.

TIL that: In Medieval times, "Cockaigne" was an imaginary utopia for peasants where the sky rains cheese, and laziness was treasured above all else. It was meant to be a better place than the alcohol-free Christian heaven which only had fruit.

TIL that Ray Liotta was not in fact Italian--he had been adopted as an infant by an Italian man and his wife, but when he met his birth mother, in his 40s, he discovered he was actually of Scottish origin.

TIL that the Animals broke up because, while touring in Japan in 1968, their manager was kidnapped by the tour promoters, who were Yakuza, and put him up for ransom. After the manager escaped, the band was forced to flee the country or be killed by the Yakuza, leaving all of their tour gear behind.

TIL of the Overtoun Bridge in Scotland, where dogs throw themselves off a fifty foot drop at the rate of one to two per month. Some that don't die, climb back up and do it again.

TIL that Harambe’s mother, only full brother, and two of his half siblings were killed when a tub of wet chlorine tablets was left by a space heater. The toxic fumes were blown into the gorilla enclosure and killed the four gorillas.

TIL that the James Bond Movies "The Spy Who Loved Me" and "Moonraker" strayed so far from Ian Fleming's novels that Eon Productions authorized the screenwriter for both, Christopher Wood, to write novelizations based upon the films, rather than promote the original novels.

TIL that much of the justification for the beginning of the Anglo-Zulu war was two surveyors being detained for about an hour and having their smoking pipes and handkerchiefs stolen.

TIL There is fish that plays dead to in order to trick scavengers in to coming close enough to eat.

TIL in 1955, actor Ray Liotta was adopted from an orphanage at the age of six months. He hired a private detective to locate his biological mother in the 2000s, and learned that he had one biological sister, one biological half-brother, and five biological half-sisters.

TIL that President Carter once told a joke during a speech to a Japanese audience which caused the audience to erupt in laughter. Impressed, he asked how the interpreter managed to get such a laugh. The interpreter admitted that he had said, “President Carter told a funny story. Everyone must laugh”

TIL that hunters transported wild boars in different areas of the US for hunting, even if it's illegal, and that's how feral pigs or wild boars have now become widespread throughout the country and have now become a pest.

TIL Cleopatra was not Egyptian but a descendant of a Macedonian dynasty. (part of Greece today)

TIL that certain land snails can sleep for 3 years straight, whether it is cold (hibernation) or warm (estivation). The reason they do this is because weather conditions lack humidity, moisture, etc. They secrete slime to stay moist and alive during these times.

TIL that a third of the items returned to Amazon are simply destroyed in order to save time and space.

TIL The beer riots in Bavaria happened in 1844 after King Ludwig I of Bavaria, Germany decreed a tax on beer. Crowds of urban workers beat up police while the Bavarian army showed reluctance to get involved

TIL a new lifestyle, Tang Ping, or lying flat, started in China in 2021. It adheres to doing the bare minimum to get by in life.

TIL limes are only green because they are unripe. They are sent that way to stores because they’re easier to ship. Unlike oranges and lemons, limes don’t ripen once picked, so they stay green. Ripe limes are yellow.

TIL That there’s a cultivar of coconut called the Macapuno which is sweeter, full of jelly instead of water, and has less fat than most varieties.

TIL that Flo Rida tests his upcoming songs at strip clubs first to check if girls are dancing to it before releasing them

TIL Peter Laird, creator of TMNT, hated the 5th turtle Venus de Milo, from the short lived The Next Mutation, so much that she's not allowed to even be mentioned or joked about around him

TIL the first McDonalds Drive Thru was made for soldiers, who were unable to leave their vehicle while in uniform.

TIL that a couple years ago new railings were installed on the Golden Gate Bridge and when the wind goes through them it creates a humming noise that can be heard all throughout San Francisco in the right conditions.

TIL that Orcas can take down Blue Whales. The first time humans documented orcas, or killer whales, successfully hunting and eating an endangered blue whale, the largest animal that's ever lived, was in March 2019, when a large pod attacked, suffocated, killed an adult Blue Whale, caught on photo.

TIL Frank Abagnale, of Catch Me if You Can fame, exaggerated/fabricated much of his crimes. Abagnale claims to have escaped a prison he was never in, to have been on the 10 most wanted list, and he cashed $2.5 million in bad checks but he was convicted on a total of less than $1,500 in bad checks.

TIL Joseph Armand Bombardier invented the snowmobile after his son died of appendicitis when a blizzard prevented him from getting him to a hospital in time.

TIL When Mozart stopped by Linz on his way back to Vienna, he found out the local count wanted him to contribute a symphony for an upcoming concert. Mozart was not expecting it and had no music with him, so he ended up having to write a symphony in merely 4 days.

TIL beetles constitute almost 40% of described insects and 25% of all known animal life-forms

TIL Marie Curie was the first woman to be awarded a nobel prize, the first person to win or share two Nobel Prizes, and her manuscripts are still so radioactive that they are stored in lead boxes.

TIL Numerous breweries have made their own version of The Simpsons' Duff Beer. The results of these knockoffs has been lawsuits, destruction of merchandise, and the censorship of Duff on The Simpsons in France due to alcohol advertising laws.

TIL Keanu Reeves sacrificed a substantial amount of his income so that other performers might join the cast (The Matrix’s sequels) he also waived a portion of his rights to a share of the revenues from these films in order to free up additional funds for the special effects and costuming departments