
Mostrando postagens de junho, 2022

TIL Freddy Mercury once helped dress Princess Diana in full drag(male model)to sneak her into the Royal Vauxhall Tavern in South London so she could have a good time without attention.

TIL NASA research has created over 1920 Spinoff products. NASA Spinoffs include memory foam, DustBusters, and cochlear implants. But contrary to common belief, NASA did not invent Tang, Velcro, or Teflon.

TIL that an alternate, unused ending of John Carpenter's The Thing was shot, in which R.J. Macready escaped to another research station and took a blood test to prove he was human

TIL that the color magenta technically doesn’t exist — it does not match a particular wavelength of light, and the shade you perceive is a trick of the brain

TIL that the freed Africans Americans who were resettled in Liberia ended up oppressing the native Liberians in the same way that they were mistreated in the USA, including by establishing plantations

TIL Rami Malek started his career by paying $2,000 to deliver three lines in Gilmore Girls which “took him forever to pay off”.

TIL that women’s tears contain pheromones that lower men’s testosterone levels.

TIL Judith Love Cohen worked on the guidance computer for the Minuteman missile and the Abort-Guidance System in the Apollo Lunar Module - the guidance system that played an important role in the safe return of Apollo 13. She was also giving birth to Jack Black when she finished working on it.

TIL that cigars have beetle larvae. Under the right temperature and humidity, they can hatch and infest whole cigar boxes.

TIL a bankrupted con-artist from Oregon was able to purchase a bank license and opened a offshore bank in Grenada by claiming to own a 4 pound ruby worth $20 million dollars and a appraisal document proving its worth. The ruby was owned by a man in California who didn't know the scammer.

TIL that the Latin word for sheath/scabbard is “vagina.” So whoever came up with the English word for “vagina” was making a dick joke about sheathing a sword.

TIL that Hormel Foods keeps a file of hatemail they've received from American soldiers who had to eat the notorious food product while at war overseas

TIL that an average wind turbine produces enough energy to power 940 average U.S. homes

TIL that dandelions are edible and are actually really nutritious and can be eaten raw

TIL: The USA Declared the Marianas trench a National monument

TIL that the CIA's analysis of Osama bin Laden's PC found a “fairly extensive” hentai collection, a Steam account with Counter-Strike, FFVII, and Animal Crossing, as well as 28 crochet tutorial videos among 174GB of mostly-western entertainment

TIL that Disney doesn't own the copyright to their theme tune, "When You Wish Upon a Star" from 1940's Pinocchio. The rights to that song, as well as several other Disney songs, were sold in 1933 to a music publisher because Disney "had no means of commercially exploiting" them at the time.

TIL Johnny Yong Bosch became a voice actor by accident. He had to dub over his lines for a film after an audio production issue and a producer said he had a good “hero voice” and asked him to audition for an animation. A few weeks after that audition he booked the role of Vash in the anime Trigun.

TIL the first episode of Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares tried saving a bookmaking front for the Bonanno crime family

TIL the distance of a mile was defined by ancient Roman armies marching one thousand paces (mille passus). The nautical mile is based on the size of the earth.

TIL Severe dehydration or dehydration of long duration typically takes 2 to 3 days to resolve with proper treatment.

TIL of US Colonel John Stopp who conducted a series of G-Force tests in the late 40’s and early 50’s. He holds the world record for most G’s pulled on land, after traveling 632mph (1017 km/h) on a sled track in New Mexico on Dec 10, 1954. Stopping in 1.4 seconds he experienced 46.2 Gs

TIL Movie theaters in Iceland, Switzerland, Egypt, Turkey and India have an intermission in the middle of the movie. It lasts around 10 minutes, which allows customers to hit the concession stalls or use the restroom

TIL Actor Vincent D’Onofrio gained 70 pounds to play the role of Private Leonard Lawrence (aka Private Pyle) in Full Metal Jacket. This is still the current record for most weight gained for a role. Nine months after filming, D’Onofrio had lost the weight to play Dawson in Adventures in Babysitting.

TIL Apollo 16 astronaut Charlie Duke believes that Earth was created 6,000 years ago despite picking up the oldest moon rock known to man dated 4.46 billion years old.

TIL In 1974 at a Canadian army training base in Quebec, cadets were being trained to handle discarded explosives. A cadet asked one of the instructors if he could pull the pin on the grenade, and the instructor told him it was safe. It exploded, killing 6 cadets and injuring 65 others.

TIL that the world’s longest golf course is in the scrubland of Australia, it’s 848 miles long and has many unique hazards

TIL of the "fountain of tits" in Treviso, North Italy, a XVI century topless statue of a woman sprinkling water from each nipple. During celebrations, it spouts red and white wine, free to drink.

TIL Dr Seuss' wife, Helen, encouraged him to give up his idea of teaching English and to concentrate on his "fabulous collection" of fanciful animal drawings. Her strategy worked and Dr Seuss published his first children's book in 1937

TIL Mosquitoes are the only animals that have killed more humans than humans have.

TIL that in central Italy, there is a fountain that flows red wine 24-hours a day. It is free to everyone, except for drunkards and louts .

TIL Mosquitoes are the only animals that have killed more humans than humans have.

TIL the introduction of reproductive rights in 1973 (Roe v Wade ruling) resulted in a significant drop in the crime rate in the years that followed.

TIL that in 1961, Thomas Monaghan got half-ownership of "Domino's", now one of the largest pizza companies in the world. All he had to give in return was his used Volkswagen Beetle car.

TIL Florida attempted to build an artifical reef out of old tires which unintentionally caused a massive ecological disaster

TIL There are 500 Registered "Time Banks" in the United States Where People Bank and Exchange Hours of Service Instead of Fiat

TIL For its 50th anniversary, Cup Noodle got rid of the plastic stickers on the bottom of the cup used to close the container and replaced it with a two tab lid. The change saves 33 tons of plastic waste per year.

TIL in 1975 women in Iceland went on a general strike to protest employment and wage inequity.

TIL Scientists have decoded the entire human genome. That’s roughly 3 billion bases of DNA that make up a human genome. First Complete, Gapless Sequence of a Human Genome

Today I learned of Simon the Sorcerer, the magician in the bible who tried to pay his way into the Apostles and knew how to fly

TIL that the iTunes Terms of Service includes a section prohibiting you from developing nuclear weapons using it.

TIL in 2012 a woman high on crystal meth set fire to a Swamp Cyprus tree estimated to be 3,500 years old. The tree, nicknamed The Senator, formed part of a public park where people could admire the living treasure. It did not survive the fire.

TIL 90% of sub-Saharan Africa's cultural heritage is in the possession of Western collections

TIL that humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin every hour. By age 70, humans lose an average of 105 pounds of skin.

TIL that all pet Syrian hamsters are descended from a single brother and sister captured in 1930.

TIL Ghost ships, ships found abandoned with no sign of the crew, still occur even with modern methods of rescue, safety and communication. The last recorded ship to be found with no sign of life was in January 2021

TIL Darius McCollum, a New Yorker diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, has been arrested over 30 times for impersonating transit employees, stealing trains and buses, and driving their routes - complete with making safety announcements and passenger stops.

TIL about Khuk Khi Kai, a jail in Thailand which was designed so that prisoners were subjected to a regular shower of chicken poop

TIL that in 2015 Yamaha music and bike designers swapped roles for a promo.

TIL there is an unclaimed Pokemon Go gym on the North Korean side of the Korean DMZ, a border zone filled with snipers, land mines, and armed guards.