
Mostrando postagens de novembro, 2022

TIL after a Night trick or treating, 8 year old child was given one last sweet by his own Father. later the kid dies because the candy was poisonous and the father tried to claim his son's life insurance.

TIL: Rutherford B. Hayes was the first U.S. President to talk on the telephone. While attending a clambake in Rhode Island in 1877, Hayes took a call from Alexander Graham Bell. After Bell spoke, Hayes said the first words by a US President on the phone: "Please speak a little more slowly."

TIL that a Peppa Pig episode was pulled off air in Australia as "inappropriate for Australian audiences" - in it a scared Peppa was told that spiders were "very, very small" and "can't hurt you". In 2016, a huntsman spider was videoed in Australia carrying a mouse up a fridge.

TIL that in Morrocco, it is traditionally held that if you fart inside a mosque, you will blind or kill any angels who happen to be hanging about in there.

TIL: Dogs don't have digestive enzymes in their saliva, nor can they chew side to side. Their jaws only allow for up-and-down movement because their diet doesn’t need as much chewing as ours does.

TIL that beans are banned in Spacecraft because they can produce "1-3 cups of flatus" in an environment where there are no windows

TIL the patent for Insulin, a life saving medication for people with diabetes, was sold for only $1 on January 23, 1923 by Frederick Banting saying “Insulin does not belong to me, it belongs to the world.”

TIL that Dolly Parton considered suicide in the 1980s. Her dog "Popeye" jumped on her and distracted her from following through.

TIL the American Chestnut Tree was king of the Eastern U.S. forests that could grow 120ft (36.5m) tall and 16ft (4.9m) across until a blight arrived in 1904. It took only 40 short years for the disease to bring to extinction the estimated 4 billion ancient giants towering from Georgia to Maine.

TIL after fighting in WWI, A. A. Milne had PTSD so severe, he was reminded of whizzing bullets by buzzing bees, and cannons firing by balloons popping. Wanting a lighthearted distraction and a way to explain to his son the difficulties of war, he wrote Winnie the Pooh stories as his way of doing so.

TIL The first Marvel film was…Howard the Duck

TIL cows have best friends and they tend to experience lower levels of stress when they’re hanging out with them.

TIL that 25% of all known animal species are beetles

TIL Andre Agassi won 10 of 11 matches after seeing a "tick" in Boris Becker's serve. Agassi could predict where Becker was serving based on whether Becker stuck his tongue out in the middle of his lip or to the left corner of his lip. Agassi told Becker over a pint of beer - after they retired.

TIL Princess Diana didn't initially die at the scene of her car accident, but 5 hours later due to a tear in her heart's pulmonary vein. She would've had 80% chance of survival if she had been wearing her seat belt.

TIL the "Nobel Prize in Economics" isn't a real Nobel Prize. It was established over 70 years after the death of Alfred Nobel, is sponsored by a bank and is officially only "in memory of Alfred Nobel"

TIL that Gresham College, an institution of higher learning in London, does not enroll students or award degrees, and instead hosts over 140 free public lectures every year. Since 2001, all lectures have been made available online.

TIL More than 80 percent of the ocean has never been mapped, explored, or even seen by humans and as a result, we know more about the surface of Mars than Earth

TIL Arachnoids are large spiderweb-like structures of unknown origin that have been found only on the surface of Venus and can span 200 km

TIL that the first person ever diagnosed with autism is still alive

TIL that Zimbabwe's health minister complained that the condoms made in China were too small for its men. The Chinese condom manufacturer subsequently said it planned on making its exports in different sizes after doing "some surveys on users’ data in the region".

TIL of Viktor Belenko, the Soviet pilot who defected with the MiG-25 (most advanced Soviet interceptor of its time), who initially assumed that his CIA handlers were keeping him in an elaborate tourist trap made to impress foreigners because he couldn't comprehend the sheer abundance he was seeing.

TIL Ludwig Wittgenstein, considered by many to be the greatest philosopher of the 20th Century, was asked by his sister to help build a house. He spent a year designing the door handles.

TIL: In Australia there are 'Firehawks', which are birds that intentionally set forest fires as a hunting technique

TIL that after being denied having his dog in his dorm at Cambridge, famous poet Lord Byron got a pet bear since there was no rule against them.

TIL that soccer players run much farther than other sports averaging 7 miles a game, compared with 2.55 miles for Basketball and 1.25 miles for American football

TIL In 1930, to make way for a new building, the Indiana Bell Building, weighing 11,000 tons, was moved 16 meters and rotated 90°. The work took a month to finish and did not disrupt the building's essential services, nor its gas, water, and electricity supply. No one inside felt the building move.

TIL Singapore’s constitution requires the President to have experience as a minister - or as CEO of a large, profitable company.

TIL that the Nazis also killed ~1.8 million residents of Poland who were not Jewish, because they considered them racially inferior.

TIL Sexsomnia, also called sleep sex, is a disorder in which sleeping people engage in sexual behaviors such as masturbation or initiating sex with another person. Even if their eyes open and they make sexual noises, they are truly asleep and unaware of their behavior once they are awake.

TIL about the Kent State Massacre, where the National Guard opened fire on unarmed students at Kent State University. Students were staging a peace rally (though not all of those killed were involved in the rally). Soldiers fired 67 rounds in 13 seconds.

TIL of the Arisan Maru, a Japanese "hell ship" that was torpedoed while carrying Allied prisoners of war. None of the 1,781 passengers were killed by the explosion, but other Japanese ships refused to rescue them, resulting in only 9 survivors.

TIL nursing blue whale calves gain weight at about 10 lbs. per hour, or about 250 lbs. per day.

TIL that George Washington asked to be bled heavily after he developed a sore throat from weather exposure in 1799. After being drained of nearly 40% of his blood by his doctors over the course of twelve hours, he died of a throat infection.

TIL People born in American Samoa, which has been held by the United States for more than 120 years, are not automatically citizens of the United States.

TIL Alice's Restaurant Massacree is mostly a true story

TIL the first media report about the shift from lighters to the cellphone was a U2 concert in Chicago in 2005.

TIL that lasagna noodles don’t need to be boiled. The moisture from the sauce cooks them in the oven

TIL that the common LED light was awarded a Nobel Prize. The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano, and Shuji Nakamura for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes which has enabled bright and energy-saving white light sources.

TiL the term "Gaslighting" actually came from a movie of the same name where the husband tricks the wife into thinking she's mentally unwell so he can steal from her.

TIL about Willem Arondeus, a gay painter and artist. When the Nazis invaded the Netherlands he joined the dutch resistance. He participated in the bombing of the Amsterdam public records office to hinder the Nazi German effort to identify Dutch Jews. He was caught and executed soon after his arrest.

TIL 50 cent and Ja Rule had a long running feud. In 2018, 50 cent brought 200 front row seats to a Ja Rule show via Groupon, just so the seats were left empty.

TIL in 1947 Raytheon built the first commercially available microwave oven. It weighed 750 pounds, was water-cooled and cost about US$5,000 ($61,000 in 2021 dollars).

TIL Bagpipes were played in countries and cultures far before the famously known Scotland Highlanders, with history placing them in 1000BC Anatolia, as well as in Thrace, Northern Africa and throughout Asia.

TIL the band Green Day got its name from the phrase, "green day", which was slang in the Bay Area, where the band originated, for spending a day doing nothing but smoking marijuana. Armstrong once admitted in 2001 that he considered it to be "the worst band name in the world".

TIL the oldest cat ever lived to 38 years and 3 days - 1967 to 2005.

TIL of 988, the crisis hotline you can call or text anywhere in the USA for mental health crises, not just self harm. Best part? It's FREE.

TIL that during World War II, a Great Dane named Juliana was awarded the Blue Cross Medal because she extinguished an incendiary bomb by peeing on it!

TIL one of the first things ever sold online was pizza. PizzaNet, owned and operated by Pizza Hut, was created in 1994 and serviced Santa Cruz, California. It was one of the first few thousand on the web. The site is still running today.

TIL JFK's sister, Rosemary, was subjected to a prefrontal lobotomy when she was 23 years of age by request of her father. It left her incapacitated and unable to speak intelligibly. The Kennedy family did not explain her absence until 1961, where they said it was on account of "mental retardation".