
Mostrando postagens de janeiro, 2023

TIL: At the height of her popularity, because she was very physically coordinated and never seen missing baby teeth, child actress Shirley Temple combated rumors that she was in fact a 30 year old with dwarfism. The rumor was so prevalent in Europe that the Vatican sent a priest to investigate.

TIL Apple doesn’t allow a villain to use an iPhone in a movie

TIL that, on average, a dairy cow produces 100 pounds of milk per day, which equates to 12.5 gallons per day!

TIL that Leonard Nimoy refused to join Star Trek the Animated Series without George Takai and Nichelle Nichols claiming they were proof of ethic diversity in the 23rd century.

TIL: According to British historian Niall Ferguson, out of all recorded conflicts which occurred since the year 387 BC, France has fought in 168 of them, won 109, lost 49 and drawn 10; this makes France the most successful military power in European history in terms of number of fought and won.

TIL That the character who first said the phrase "fortune favours the bold" - Turnus, in the Aeneid, spends the rest of the story suffering military defeats before he's killed and heads to the underworld, miserable, at the end of the last book.

TIL that Elephant Seals were thought to be extinct by 1884. In 1892 an expedition from the Smithsonian found what could have been the last 8 individuals on Guadalupe Island of which the expedition killed 7 for their collection.

TIL that between 1895 and 1908 the population of the Belgian Congo declined by between 2 and 13 million due to colonial brutality and diseases caused by colonialism.

TIL: A woman known as SM experiences no fear or anxiety due to her amygdala being destroyed as a result of Urbach-Wiethe Disease, a rare genetic condition.

TIL: About Zombie Satellites. Which begin communicating again after sometimes decades of inactivity and thought to be lost. There are also amateur groups who hunt for and try to restore communications with them.

TIL of Sloth Moths, unique species of moths that live exclusively in the fur of Sloths. They feed off algae on the sloths fur and secretions from the sloths skin, and even use sloth dung as a part of their reproductive process.

TIL Honey bee life spans are half what they were in the 1970s

TIL that Tony Danza and Tupac Shakur were friends and that they wrote letters back and forth while Tupac was in prison.

TIL the "cobra effect". The British government once concerned about the number of venomous cobras in Delhi, offered a bounty for every dead cobra. Large numbers of snakes were killed, but people began to breed cobras for the income, eventually increasing its population

TIL hospitals often deal with "Daughter From California syndrome" in which a long-lost relative arrives to challenge the care of a dying relative. They demand aggressive measures, and are described as "angry, articulate, and informed".

TIL about the now-extinct Stellar's sea cow, a 30 ft long sea mammal similar to a manatee which had so much blubber that its buoyancy wouldn't permit it to ever be totally submerged.

TIL the first traffic signal, erected in London in 1868, was powered by gas. A gas leak caused it to explode a month later.

TIL: In 2018 the South Korean Supreme Court ruled that citizens can be exempt from the mandatory draft as conscientious objectors. Previously it had been essentially illegal. For the individuals who do conscientiously object they instead serve the same period of time working in the prison system.

TIL the "empty London" scenes in 28 Days Later were achieved by filming at dawn and simply asking people to stop walking through shots, as there was no room in the $8m budget to actually shut down any parts of the city.

TIL Robert De Niro paid a dentist $5,000 to have this teeth ground down to look more menacing for Cape Fear. He later paid $20,000 to have his teeth restored once production was complete

TIL that after Ayrton Senna's fatal crash, an Austrian flag was found in his race car. He had intended to raise it in honor of Roland Ratzenberger, who had died during qualification the previous day.

TIL during Pink Floyd’s recording of “Shine On You Crazy Diamond” Syd Barrett, former band member the song was written about, showed up at the studio and was so unrecognizable that Roger Waters broke down in tears

TIL Mel Blanc, the voice of a myriad of cartoon characters was in a car wreck and slipped into a coma. Bugs Bunny emerged from Mel's coma before Mel did. In fact, according to a neurosurgeon who attended to Mel at the time, it seemed as though Bugs Bunny was trying to save his life.

TIL about foreign accent syndrome. This is a very rare (~100 cases worldwide) but real medical condition where people abruptly begin speaking in a foreign accent following head trauma like a bad migraine, accident, or stroke.

TIL cholera was reintroduced to Haiti after a century by UN peacekeepers responding to the 2010 earthquake. The resulting outbreak was the worst on record, killing 10,000 and infecting 820,000.

TIL Crystal Cave in Mexico is so humid and warm that fluid will begin to condense in a person's lungs, and cause them to 'drown' if they linger too long inside.

TIL Terry Jones said of fellow Monty Python member Graham Chapman's death on the eve of the group's 20th anniversary, it was "the worst case of party-pooping in all history."

TIL to decide what measurement system America should use, John Quincy Adams took 3 1/2 years to produce a 268 page Report on Weights and Measures that ultimately concluded changing to the French metric system would be too difficult for the young nation. Congress took no action on the report.

TIL in 2002, John Muhammad (41) & Lee Malvo (17) went on a random killing spree known as the D.C. Sniper Attacks. However, their rampage actually began months before on the West Coast. They murdered 17 people (injured 10) in Washington, Arizona, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Maryland, Virginia, & DC.

TIL that German chocolate cake is not named for Germany, the country. It was named after Samuel German, who worked at Baker's Chocolate Company.

TIL Domino's tried to create the ultimate pizza delivery vehicle using driver feedback. The result was a single-seat car that had a built-in warming oven and could carry 45 pizzas and a dozen large bottles of soda. It was estimated to save drivers 30 seconds per delivery.

TIL the Qing dynasty of China forced their male subjects to wear a hairstyle called the Queue. It featured a long braid and a shaved front of the head. Cutting the queue became seen as a symbol of rebellion against the empire.

TIL cod fish have regional languages and accents. As seas are getting warmer, populations of cod are moving north and coming into contact for the first time. They struggle to understand each other which is making it harder for them to mate.

TIL that Black Widow antivenom is made by injecting horses with venom over a period of time. The horse develops antibodies against the venom, then the horse is bled and the antibodies purified for later use.

TIL the ice cream truck jingle most Americans grew up with was used in minstrel shows, so RZA (of Wu-Tang Clan) created a new, publicly-available ice cream jingle

TIL Missy, a 100lb injured dog abandoned by her owner on Mount Bierstadt in Clear Creek County as a storm closed in, found by hikers a few days later who treated her but couldn't rescue her, they posted her location on a climbers forum and an epic rescue journey began to rescue a dog from a mountain

TIL the Cherokee writing system was made by one man, Sequoyah. It's one of the only times in history that someone in a non-literate group invented an official script from scratch. Within 25 years, nearly 100% of Cherokee were literate, and it inspired dozens of indigenous scripts around the world.

TIL developing a drug to treating parasitic infections in cattle, the developers, Merck, noticed it prevents human "River Blindness" that can leave entire villages blind. Seeing its importance, Merck's executives decided to distribute the expensive drug for free until the disease was eradicated

TIL musician Rod Stewart spent 25 years constructing a massive model train set in his attic

TIL Jonny Greenwood pretended to play keyboards for months when he joined Radiohead. He was told "I can’t quite hear what you’re doing, but I think you’re adding a really interesting texture"

TIL Rock and Roll was originally a euphemism for sex

TIL restaurants can lose their Michelin star(s). If there is an inconsistency and things become less than satisfactory in an awarded restaurant, Michelin stars can be taken away. Gordon Ramsay once equated losing his Michelin stars in 2014 to breaking up with a girlfriend.

TIL when Anders Celsius created the temperature scale that would end up being named after him, he chose 0° as the boiling point and 100° as freezing

TIL that while Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse any blood products/transfusions, they accept solid organ transplants, like kidneys, pancreas, etc.

TIL the Cherokee writing system was invented by one man, Sequoyah. His 6yo daughter was the first to learn it, but they were charged with sorcery. Kept apart, they wrote letters to one another; this convinced the town it was just communication. 25 years later, nearly 100% of Cherokee were literate.

TIL 130 million American adults have low literacy skills with 54% of people 16-74 below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level

TIL Saudi Arabia accidentally printed thousands of textbooks containing this image of Yoda sitting next to King Faisal while he signed the 1945 UN charter

TIL that NBA Player Lou Williams was almost carjacked in 2011, until the thief recognized him and stopped because he was a Lou Williams fan. Lou Williams took him to McDonald's as thanks.

TIL that the face of CPR dolls is based off an unknown French girl who likely committed suicide in the 19th century

TIL the first known résumé was written by Leonardo da Vinci, when applying to be a military engineer for the Duke of Milan. It's mainly just a list of his designs for siege weapons (including trebuchets). He briefly mentions his art: "In painting, I can do everything possible." He got the job.