
Mostrando postagens de março, 2023

TIL That Elvis Presley's manager sold "I Hate Elvis" badges as a way to make money from people who weren't buying Elvis merchandise

TIL Disney World had its own airport that had a runway that featured a set of grooves, like rumble strips on the side of a highway, that played “When You Wish Upon a Star” when driven over at roughly 45 miles per hour to surprise the airplane passengers.

TIL of Cáin Adomnáin, dubbed "Europe's first human rights treaty". Created in the year 697, was a set of laws - which kings across Ireland and parts of Scotland mutually agreed to follow - that guaranteed the safety of non-combatants in warfare.

TIL: an Italian former porn star, Carlo Masi, quit porn to do research in applied mathematics, got his PhD, taught real analysis, became a professor, and then got sacked for being a former porn star. He sued and won against the university.

TIL that Neil Degrasse Tyson recorded the WTC attacks on 9/11. He caught the second plane strike, and both collapses.

TIL Australia confiscated 650,000 guns. Murders and suicides plummeted.

TIL Shel Silverstein wrote extensively for Playboy, frequented the Playboy mansion and slept with "hundreds, perhaps thousands of women".

TIL in the 1920s, Coco Chanel accidentally got a tan, and helped inspire the trend of sunbathing. Soon "sunlight therapy" was prescribed for almost every ailment from fatigue to tuberculosis. Before this, tanned skin was associated with the lower classes who work outside, and fair skin was revered.

TIL in 1996, a 21-year-old man burst into a New Zealand radio station, took the manager hostage and demanded that Kermit the Frog's rendition of Rainbow Connection be played.

TIL a special law in the UK was created to ensure that the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital will forever be able to collect royalties from stage performances, audiobooks, book releases, etc. of Peter Pan in the UK. This is the only work with an 'exception' to copyright laws.

TIL that William Daniels, famous for playing Mr. Feeney on "Boy Meets World," has been married to to actress and fellow Emmy Award winner Bonnie Bartlett since June 30, 1951; at more than 71 years, it is the longest active Hollywood marriage as of today.

TIL that Joe Jackson would hit his kids with belts, cords of electric kettles or anything he could reach. Michael Jackson recalled that he was too fast for his father to catch most of the time, but when he did " was bad. He would throw you and hit you as hard as he can"

TIL Margaret Knight (1838-1914) invented a machine to mass produce flat-bottomed paper bags and, after winning a lawsuit against a fraudster who copied her design, the patent was issued in 1871. Her first invention was when she was 12 years old (and began working in a factory). She had 87 patents.

TIL In 2012, a solar Coronal Mass Ejection that might have taken the world 4 to 10 years to recover from missed Earth by about 9 days

TIl of Pipedown, a British campaign group dedicated to removing piped music from public spaces

TIL The oldest musical instrument in the world, a 60,000-year-old Neanderthal flute, is made from the left thighbone of a young cave bear.

TIL that it takes only 15 mins. of exposure to noise in a nightclub, without protection, to damage hearing

TIL about American vet Michael Boatwright, who woke up with amnesia and could only speak Swedish. He later started a new life in Sweden but died by suicide. Clues to his personal history spanned three continents

TIL that after a flood killed thousands and devastated the economy, California legislators and State employees worked unpaid for a year and a half.

TIL that in 2013, an officer of Nashville's Covenant Church (which runs the school where yesterday's shooting occurred) sued the Covenant organization for allegedly shielding a child molester. The whistleblow charged that Covenant engages in "cult-like abuse of authority over vulnerable children."

TIL Simeon Stylites lived on top of columns for 37 years. Simeon did this as a form of asceticism because when he lived in a cave people kept making pilgrimages to him and asking him religious questions. Ultimately his column life drew in even bigger crowds who would climb ladders to talk to him.

TIL that the Utah state bird is the seagull (Larus californicus). This is because seagulls saved the people of Utah by eating up crickets that were destroying crops in 1848.

TIL that the term Gaslighting comes from a 1938 play and a 1944 film, in which an abusive husband Gregory manipulates his wife Paula to make her feel as if she has gone mad. One of the ways he does this is by dimming and brightening the gaslights, all while convincing Paula that its all in her head.

TIL there are an estimated 950 TRILLION invasive quagga mussels in Lake Michigan.

TIL The Inquisition never actually ended, is still ongoing, and is now known as "The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith"

TIL of Columbia, the personification of the United States for over 200 years, and was even the alternate name for the United States. She is the reason for the District of Columbia, British Columbia, etc. She was replaced by Lady Liberty, and was gradually forgotten after WWI.

TIL that Michael Cain only changed his name LEGALLY by deed poll in 2016 from his birth name of Maurice Joseph Micklewhite becasue he was tired of being stopped at passport control. Everyone knew him by his showbiz name but his legal documents had his bith name.

TIL the musician and songwriter D'Angelo not only recorded a song, "Unshaken", for Red Dead Redemption 2, he also served as a playtester during the videogame's development due to his love of the series

TIL the New York Times, in 1944, Introduced Readers to an Exciting New Food: Pizza

TIL: The famous 'Bloop' sound, often believed to be sourced from an undiscovered massive creature deep within the ocean, was actually the sound of a glacier breaking apart after an 'icequake'.

TIL that the outer HALOS of the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky way are already touching each other. The Galactic collision is already in it's early phase

TIL that the loudest fart ever recorded was on May 16, 1972 by a man named Alvin Meshits, at 194 decibels for a third of a second, resulting in recurring back pain

TIL that seagulls not only eat other birds and animals, but are cannibals and often eat seagull chicks, even their own.

TIL three Germans had been infected with rabies after an organ donation, as the donor was bitten by a dog and was undiagnosed

TIL Early Superman comics taught kids how to achieve super-strength through exercises in lifting armchairs, getting a super-grip, and achieving super-vision by glancing at distant and near objects repeatedly

TIL Anne Frank wrote four dirty jokes in her diary, which she later papered over so they weren’t discovered by researchers until 2018.

TIL: One in four American cowboys were black

TIL: Lake Poopo completely dried up after the water level in Lake Titicaca could no longer support feeding into Poopo

TIL that 75% of the images in Ikea's product catalogue were computer 2014

TIL: Thanks to poor internal communication at NASA, information about a spacesuit water leak wasn't properly communicated. Later, Astronaut Luca Parmitano almost drowned on a July, 2013 ISS space walk, his helmet filling with several liters of water before they could get him back inside.

TIL that it was a federal crime in the United States for Native Americans to practice their religions, until 1978

TIL Arnold Schwarzenegger tricked Sylvester Stallone into making "Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot" by pretending that he was interested in making the movie. Schwarzenegger knew the movie would flop and wanted to set up his rival to fail.

TIL most blind people with no perception of light experience continual circadian desynchrony

TIL the popular Halloween song "Monster Mash" is a parody of "Mashed Potato Time" by Dee Dee Sharp, released months earlier

TIL The first person clinically diagnosed with Autism is still alive. Donald Grey Triplett who is 89 years old.

TIL about Kessler Syndrome, which describes the exponential growth of space debris, as collisions between space junk create smaller and difficult-to-track pieces of debris that contaminate our orbital real estate.

TIL that in Uruguay, up until 2017, if you caught your spouse in bed with someone else, it was within your rights to beat or kill either of them

TIL that even though Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor had married and divorced TWICE, she still considered him the love of his life. He must of felt the same way because days before his death he sent her a letter asking for a reconciliation. 24 years later she was buried with the letter.

TIL: James Blunt gave Weird Al Yankovic permission to parody his single "You're Beautiful." But after Yankovic recorded "You're Pitiful," Blunt's record label refused to let it be commercially released. Yankovic didn't include it on his album. Instead, he released it as a free digital download.

TIL Werner Klemperer who played German Colonel Klink on the TV show Hogan’s Heroes had Jewish ancestry and served in the U.S. Army during World War II. He said he would only take the role if the Nazi always looked like a fool.