
Mostrando postagens de maio, 2023

TIL that the acronym “R.I.P.” has been engraved on tombstones since at least the fifth century. “Rest in Peace” is the English translation of a Latin phrase with the same acronym.

TIL the vast majority of the Earth's mantle is not magma but rather solid rock because of the extreme pressures. The viscosity of this rock is comparable to that of normal glass at room temperature, hence why plate tectonics only moves at speeds measured in centimeters per year.

TIL that the Caral-Supe civilization in Peru was building huge pyramidal temples at the same time the first step pyramids of Egypt were built. And Caral-Supe was the most densely populated area in the world in third-millenium BC.

TIL that in 1986, Motörhead broke records by hitting 130 decibels in concert. The music was so loud that it damaged the ceiling of Cleveland’s Variety Theater.

TIL that aqueducts are water channels that use gravity to move water from a source to a destination. An ancient Roman aqueduct used only a 51 foot height difference to push water down a 31-mile-long path, resulting in as little as a 1-inch drop to push water 1,500 feet.

TIL that the Talmud suggests that you can make a man cum by placing warm bread against his anus

TIL there is a song titled "10,000-Year Earworm to Discourage Settlement Near Nuclear Waste Repositories" meant to "convey[] the concept of radiological warning" so "no one will forget it for a significant portion of the lifespan of dangerous radiation at repository sites"

TIL Helen Keller was as a cofounder of the ACLU

TIL A Chicago Woman named Jeanette Taylor was approved for affordable housing 29 years after applying

TIL actor Telly Savalas won a spelling bee in 1934 but due to an oversight, he did not receive his prize until 1991, when it was awarded to him by the Boston Harold and the school principal

TIL a family in Georgia claimed to have passed down a song in an unknown language from the time of their enslavement; scientists identified the song as a genuine West African funeral song in the Mende language that had survived multiple transmissions from mother to daughter over multiple centuries

TIL humans can learn to observe their surroundings with echolocation. By snapping or clicking the tongue, humans can bounce sound waves off of nearby objects. The resulting echo reveals the approximate size and distance of the obstacle. Anyone with normal hearing can learn this skill.

TIL That First Lady Abigail Powers Filmore was the Teacher to 13th US President Millard Filmore Prior to marrying him

TIL that India's Marine Commando Force was equipped with cyanide tipped crossbows as a silenced pistol alternative until the late 1980s.

TIL that the world’s largest Lego Titanic replica was built over an eleven month period by a ten-year-old autistic boy from Iceland.

TIL The Philippines is an archipelago which consists of 7,641 Islands. That figure does not include the thousands of sandbars and other landforms that emerge during low tide.

TIL in 1959, John Howard Griffin passed himself as a Black man and travelled around the Deep South to witness segregation and Jim Crow, afterward writing about his experience in "Black Like Me"

TIL that on the 13th of September, 1985, Major Doug Pearson became the only pilot to destroy a satellite with a missile, launched from his F-15.

TIL Monty Python reunion shows typically included an urn said to contain the ashes of Graham Chapman. During one such show in 1998, the urn was "accidentally" knocked over by Terry Gilliam, spilling the ashes on stage, which were then vacuumed up with a DustBuster.

TIL Mark Hamill visited a dying fan and answered every question as Luke Skywalker because the fan couldn't tell reality from fiction anymore.

TIL that there is a form of moonshine popular in the slums of Nairobi called chang'aa which is intentionally cut with chemicals like embalming fluid and jet fuel to make it more potent. Chang'aa literally means "kill me quick."

Today I learned that beavers teeth are yellow in colour because of the iron in their tooth enamel.

TIL About Diana Budisavljević, the female Schindler, who undertook one of the greatest humanitarian acts in WWII, by saving over 7,700 children from concentration camps in the area of what is today's Croatia

TIL that in 1210, King John of England imprisoned a noble named Maud de Braose with her son William in a dungeon beneath Corfe Castle, and left there to starve to death. When their bodies were retrieved 11 days later, it was found that Maud had eaten parts of her son’s body before she died.

TIL Approximately 73 to 100 million sharks are killed annually worldwide just for their fins. Primarily driven by the demand for shark fins as an ingredient of a status symbol soup.

TIL: In China for about three years around 1900, a secret martial arts training club tried to overthrow the Chinese government & force out foreigners. Known to the West as "The Boxer Rebellion," the name literally comes from the fact that members fought unarmed using Chinese forms of unarmed combat.

TIL that flight etiquette is that the middle seat gets BOTH armrests

TIL Burritos are popular food for astronauts in space because it's easy to eat and doesn't produce crumbs that could float around and damage equipment

TIL the godmother of rock n roll was a black woman, Sister Rosetta Tharpe. Active in the 1930s, she predated (and inspired) artists from Elvis to Beyoncé

TIL of Daniel Sickles. He shot the son of Francis Scott Key in broad daylight for sleeping with his wife, and was the first person acquitted under the insanity defense. Later he was appointed a Union general, and lost his leg disobeying orders. He regularly claimed to be 6 years younger than he was.

TIL Bangles' lead singer, Susanna Hoffs was tricked into recording the song "Eternal Flame" while completely naked.

TIL that clown college was actually real and in some years they had a lower acceptance rate than Harvard.

TIL that an object's "Escape Velocity" (from any body of mass) is the same as the speed at which it would hit the ground if it were dropped from infinity (without external influence)

TIL the history of Jules Brunet , The historic figure who inspired "the last samurai ". In september 1868 this decorated captain who was a painter and a graduate of Saint-Cyr Polythecnique school decided to unofficially stay in Japan and Fight with the Shogun Forces against the Meiji Empire .

TIL actress (Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, Attack of the Giant Leeches) and Playboy centerfold (July 1959) Yvette Vickers died alone at home in 2010 and her mummified body was found by a neighbor in 2011.

TIL It's the opposite: A frog that is in gradually heated water will jump out. While a frog placed into already boiling water will die immediately, not jump out.

TIL there is a depleted gold mine in Yellowknife, Canada that is sitting on 237,000 tonnes of Arsenic. The mining company had exhausted the area of gold and handed it back to the federal government, which is now freezing the Arsenic to keep it contained.

TIL that the iconic 'Wilhelm Scream' has been secretly hiding in movies for over 70 years, making it the longest-running inside joke in film history.

TIL that the number of priests has been down 60% in the last 50 years leaving 3500 churches without one

TIL that despite being organisms with highly intricate nervous systems and an impressive level of intelligence, many octopus species only live for roughly 1-5 years.

TIL that Tina Turner was so famous in Australia that she has an official dance to one of her songs "Nutbush City Limits" (the nutbush) and they filmed her singing on the Sydney Harbour Bridge!!!

TIL While some plant based milks date back to the 13th century, oat milk was invented in the 1990s. Rickard Öste developed oat milk while studying lactose intolerance at Lund University in Sweden.

TIL of Gabe Sonnier, a man who started off as a janitor in a Louisiana elementary school until one day in 1985, when he was inspired by the then-principal to take up teaching. Gabe was 39 years old when he started studying for a teaching degree. He’s now the principal of that elementary school.

TIL In the 1950s the CIA would spread rumors of vampires in the Philippines to dissuade communist rebels. They would ambush the back member of a patrol silently, kill them before draining them of blood and poking two holes in their neck before leaving the body just off the road.

TIL that the extreme lifelong behavioral problems of Nancy Spungen (gf of Sid Vicious from the Sex Pistols) are thought to be caused by brain damage via birth asphyxia from umbilical cord wrapped around her neck

TIL that in Iqaluit, the capital of Nunavut, instead of a rush hour, they have what locals call a "rush minute", owing to the fact that the city is not connected to the rest of Canada by road and has a population of roughly 7,000 people who mostly work for the government with similar schedules.

TIL the Confederacy attacked Vermont

TIL that in 34 U.S. states, women are legally allowed to go topless anywhere a man can. The practice is only explicitly illegal in two states, with the remaining 14 having ambiguous legal situations.

TIL Taco bell has been cutting the amount of sodium in their food for over a decade without making it known.

TIL the USA produces Humanitarian Daily Rations designed to "provide the widest possible acceptance from the variety of potential consumers with diverse religious and dietary restrictions from around the world" and includes fruit paste suitable for infants.