
Mostrando postagens de agosto, 2023

TIL That During Segregation, It Was Illegal In the State of Alabama For a Black Person And a White Person To Play Checkers Together.

TIL about 1 in 20 people sleep with their eyes open

TIL: That during 1830 - 1900, there was a fad for women who wanted to lose weight, the Tapeworm diet.

TIL in South Vietnam during the Buddhist crisis, a hugely oversized carp was found in a small pond. It was believed to be a reincarnation of one of Buddha's disciples, and the Catholic government ordered it mined and machine gunned, which it survived. This catapulted the fish's fame to new heights

TIL about Evangelista Torricelli, an Italian physicist and mathematician, and his groundbreaking creation of a vacuum. In 1643, he invented the barometer, an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure that led to his famous observation that, "We live submerged at the bottom of an ocean of air."

TIL the screech we all associate with bald eagles is dubbed from another bird. This is because the noises a bald eagle makes is pretty lame in comparison.

TIL the city of New Bern, North Carolina uses almost the same flag as the city of Bern, Switzerland, except that its bear does not have a red penis.

Today I learned Jimmy Carter has been in hospice for over 186 days.

TIL It was never 'Bruce' in ELO's 'Don't Bring Me Down' instead a made-up place-keeper word Groos

TIL that Mike Brown, the astronomer most responsible for demoting Pluto to a dwarf planet, titled his memoir "How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming".

TIL That worldwide the daily consumption of Coca Cola is at 2.6 billion servings, or approximately 11000 soft drinks per second.

TIL in 2019, a former US spy killed a British teen by driving on the wrong side of the road in the UK. She was granted diplomatic immunity, fled the UK, and never returned. It took 3 years for her to be sentenced and she received no jail time.

TIL that if Bill Gates told a Microsoft employee "You’re full of shit. That’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard", that meant that the software mogul was amazed and impressed. "In the lore of Microsoft, if Bill says that to you, you’re made", an employee said.

TIL an Australian drugs-related jury trial costing over A$ 1 million with 105 witnesses was aborted when it was discovered that four or five of the twelve jurors had been playing Sudoku instead of listening to the evidence for most of the trial.

TIL that Brooklyn New York has a bigger Jewish population than Jerusalem. 1 out of every 4 people in Brooklyn is Jewish and it has been called "the most Jewish spot on Earth".

TIL that Pan Am were booking flights to the moon, between 1969 & 1971, they processed around 93,000 reservation tickets for free. They stopped taking reservations because of the admit costs but maintained well into the 1980's that the tickets would be honoured, if and when flights were possible.

TIL the vocals for the Bonnie Raitt classic "I Can't Make You Love Me" were recorded in only one take. The song was so sad that when asked to record another take she responded "You know, this ain't going to happen."

TIL that the founders of Lululemon gave it its name because they thought it would sound Western to Japanese consumers, who have difficulty pronouncing the letter L. They thought it would be funny to watch Japanese people try to pronounce the name.

TIL Of the Curse of the Ninth, the superstition that a composer will die before finishing their tenth symphony. Beethoven and Schubert both died after their ninth symphonies. Gustav Mahler attempted to beat the curse with musical structural changes but he also died before finishing his tenth.

TIL rapper Mos Def began his career as an actor. Before the release of his critically acclaimed album 'Black On Both Sides' in 1998, he had already starred in multiple sitcoms, had a Visa commercial with Deion Sanders, and played a small role in the short film 'Ghosts' alongside Michael Jackson

TIL that Charles Martinet, the voice actor of Mario, was living out of a suitcase for 5 years. In 2013, he was evicted from his home due to a legal dispute with the family of his deceased landlord.

TIL A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus. It rotates incredibly slowly on its axis, taking about 243 Earth days, while it completes an orbit around the Sun in around 225 Earth days.

TIL Sloths can hold their breath up to 40-minutes underwater; Dolphins can hold it for only 20 minutes.

TIL that when you vibrate soil, worms come to the surface NOT because they think it's raining, but because they think a mole is attacking them underground

TIL Samsung created a butt shaped robot that sits on their phones to test their durability. The robot exerts 220 pounds of pressure on their phones during testing. The robot even wears jeans.

TIL M. Night Shyamalan was raised Hindu, but attended a private Roman Catholic grammar school. A teacher once became upset because he "got the best grade in religion class [even though he] wasn't Catholic".

TIL that Phillipines is the only country in the world where getting a divorce is illegal

TIL that anxiety and depression can cause physical pain

TIL people who have their lens surgicallly removed are able to see UV light

TIL that persistent anal fissures can technically disqualify you from military service

TIL Heath Ledger did not improvise the hospital explosion mishap in "The Dark Knight". It was well-rehearsed beforehand and the myth spread through the internet post-release.

TIL Walmart pulled an educational toy after a bilingual grandmother recognized the item was using Polish profanity as well as singing in Polish about suicide, depression, drug abuse, and cocaine.

TIL Blue whales have the largest penises on Earth. An erect blue whale penis is 12 inches (30 cm) in diameter and ten feet in length.

TIL Project A119, a top-secret plan developed in 1958 by the United States Air Force, the aim of which was to detonate a nuclear bomb on the Moon as a show of force to the USSR. A young Carl Sagan worked on the project.

TIL During WW2, the American military went from 2,500 planes to over 300,000 aircraft used by the end of the war

TIL in 1837 a blacksmith and tool maker in Illinois was gaining attention over his innovations to the plow. His self cleaning steel headed plow tilled the tough midwest soil with ease and aided the migration into the Great Plain. That blacksmith's name was John Deere.

TIL Grover Cleveland first met his future wife while she was still an infant, and he bought her her first baby carriage.

TIL the death of George Reeves, the "original Superman" in the 1950s, was not from jumping out a window thinking he actually was superhuman as rumoured, but by gunshot to the head suicide.

TIL: Rich people have their own apps. For shopping they use James Edition, which sells everything from jets and yachts to a chair made out of chrome AK-47s. For Instagram, there's "Rich Kids" which cost $1k/mo. For dating, they have "Luxy" which can ban you if you're too poor or ugly.

TIL that an elderly Salvador Dali became severely burned as his excessive use of the assistance button next to his bed caused it to short-circuit and set the bed aflame.

TIL that the popular Snickers bar was named after a beloved horse owned by the candy company's owners, Frank and Ethel Mars

TIL: The longest confirmed lightning bolt occurred in 2022 and traveled 477 miles across 3 states.

TIL there is a test for anal grip strength

TIL Celine Dion met her husband when she was 12 and he was… 38

TIL less than 20% of Japanese people have passports

TIL some clams can live for more than 500 years (Ming, a Quahog clam lived to 507)

TIL the average American now consumes roughly the same amount of sugar in a day that the average Palaeolithic human consumed in a year (~20 teaspoons)

TIL that ejaculation is initiated by the spinal cord, not the brain. A group of neurons, calls LSt cells control and coordinate the various aspects of ejaculation and send signals to the brain, indicating the occurrence of ejaculation.

TIL McDonald's in India do not serve beef.

TIL 70% of Saudi Arabias electrical consumption is used exclusively for air conditioning