TIL there is a 'Richter scale for human calamity' called the Foster scale. According to the Foster scale, WWII was the most disastrous event in human history with a score of 11.1, the Black Death ranks number 2 at 10.9, and WWI at number 3 with 10.5.

TIL there is a 'Richter scale for human calamity' called the Foster scale. According to the Foster scale, WWII was the most disastrous event in human history with a score of 11.1, the Black Death ranks number 2 at 10.9, and WWI at number 3 with 10.5. https://www.jstor.org/stable/1860369?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents ceristo August 30, 2018 at 10:18AM
