TIL About Buffalo City, NC. The once tight knit logging boomtown and “moonshine capital” was visited by FDR on a trip to Roanoke. Built in the middle of nowhere, they relied on alcohol-tourism during the 1920s & 30s, “mysteriously” turning ghost town after prohibition ended.

TIL About Buffalo City, NC. The once tight knit logging boomtown and “moonshine capital” was visited by FDR on a trip to Roanoke. Built in the middle of nowhere, they relied on alcohol-tourism during the 1920s & 30s, “mysteriously” turning ghost town after prohibition ended. http://www.northbeachsun.com/ghost-town-the-forgotten-story-of-dare-countys-buffalo-city/ samuallblackson December 31, 2018 at 11:19AM
