TIL in 1999, Maude Flanders was killed-off on The Simpsons because of a pay raise dispute with the voice actress, Maggie Roswell. She was flying back-and-forth from Denver to Los Angeles and wanted a raise to cover the costs. Fox offered her a $150 per episode raise, so she quit.

TIL in 1999, Maude Flanders was killed-off on The Simpsons because of a pay raise dispute with the voice actress, Maggie Roswell. She was flying back-and-forth from Denver to Los Angeles and wanted a raise to cover the costs. Fox offered her a $150 per episode raise, so she quit. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2000-feb-04-ca-60883-story.html DoomWad January 31, 2020 at 11:15PM
