TIL, in order to popularize potatoes in France, a pharmacist by the name of Antoine-Augustin Parmentier acquired a large plot of land from the king and hired guards to watch over them with instructions to allow thieves to get away. The plan worked and the potatoes helped fight off famine.

TIL, in order to popularize potatoes in France, a pharmacist by the name of Antoine-Augustin Parmentier acquired a large plot of land from the king and hired guards to watch over them with instructions to allow thieves to get away. The plan worked and the potatoes helped fight off famine. https://www.farmersalmanac.com/parmentier-made-potatoes-popular-28537#:~:text=The%20Not%2DSo%2DHot%20Potato&text=Pin%20It!,-Antoine%2DAugustin%20Parmentier&text=Along%20came%20Antoine%2DAugustin%20Parmentier,potatoes%20as%20his%20prison%20rations. unnaturalorder July 30, 2020 at 12:18AM
