
Mostrando postagens de agosto, 2020

TIL American chocolate, especially Hershey's, smells and tastes like vomit to people who are used to eating European chocolate. The reason for this is the presence of butyric acid, which is what gives parmesan cheese (and vomit), its distinctive smell.

TIL Hard Drives are Drive "C:/" because originally PCs only had up to 2 floppy disk drives labelled A and B, some time later hard disks got added and became drive C.

TIL Teddy Roosevelt once had his boat stolen by three armed thieves. With the help of two friends he built a new boat and personally tracked down and captured the thieves.

TIL that US Pres. Theodore Roosevelt's mother and wife died on the same day. He drew a large X in his diary and wrote simply, "the light has gone out of my life."

TIL there have been many times that less than 20 votes have made the difference. Your vote DOES count!

TIL Top Gun was produced in collaboration with the Pentagon to rebrand the US military's image post Vietnam War, and attract new Navy recruits. Top Gun was the first full-blown collaboration between Hollywood and the US military.

TIL: As of 2012 there is still an active witch hunting unit in Saudi Arabia. In 2009, 118 people were charged with witchcraft and by 2011 there were 9 bureaus in the country to combat sorcery. The US has been accused of having sorcerers.

TIL Steve-O Celebrated 10 Years of Sobriety by Participating in a Triathlon

TIL the director of the film version of M*A*S*H wanted the "stupidest song ever written", named "Suicide Is Painless", for the film. His 14-year-old son wrote it in five minutes and made over a million dollars in royalties.

TIL the author Beverly Cleary is still alive.. and she's 104

TIL Paul Newman's friends loved his homemade salad dressing so much he started a company to sell it. That company, which now sells a variety of foods, gives 100% of its profits to charities. Newman never took any money and in just its first decade over 50 million dollars was given away.

TIL Harriet Tubman, the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad, relied on celestial navigation to guide herself and others along their route. They used the Big Dipper (which resembled a drinking gourd) to find the North Star, and they followed that beacon to freedom.

TIL a British statistician recommended reinforcing WW2 bomber planes in areas that they hadn't been hit after a mission. He realised that the holes in a returning aircraft represented areas they could take damage and still return home.

TIL that with only 324 households declaring ownership of a swimming pool on their tax form and fearing tax evasion, Greek authorities turned to satellite imagery for further investigation of Athens' northern suburbs. They discovered a total of 16,974 swimming pools.

TIL Jeremy Clarkson published his bank details in a newspaper to try and make the point that his money would be safe and that the spectre of identity theft was a sham. Within a few days, someone set up a direct debit for £500 in favor of a charity, which didn’t require any identification

TIL Disney tried unsuccessfully to trademark "SEAL Team 6" the day after the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

TIL there is growing fear of "meth gators" in Alabama due to the amount of people flushing drugs down the toilet, causing hyper-aggressive methed up alligators.

TIL that nearly 70% of all Americans have less than $1000 in savings and 45% have no savings in all

TIL in the Ancient Greek Olympics, competitors found cheating were fined. The money would pay for a statue of Zeus with a plaque shaming the offender, and placed on the road to the stadium.

TIL that the music used in the famous anti-pirating ads found on DVDs was, in fact, stolen.

TIL A boy dying of an incurable illness wanted to meet Luke Skywalker (in character). His mental state devolved to the point where he did not realise Luke was fictional. Mark Hamill agreed to dress up in character and meet the boy. He spent hours answering questions.

TIL that in 1790, Thomas Jefferson proposed a decimal-based system for weight, length, and volume that predates the metric system. If it had been adopted, 1 mile would equal 10,000 ft, an inch would be divisible by 10, and 1 cubic foot would equal exactly 1,000 ounces.

TIL there are 500 varieties of mangoes, and they are related to the cashew and pistachio family and are one of the most consumed fruits in the world.

TIL “Big Boy” founder Bob Wian invented the double-decker hamburger 31 years before McDonalds came out with the “Big Mac,” the burger was almost an exact replica. Long live the Big Boy.

TIL During WWII Ronald Reagan, then a captain in the First Motion Picture Unit producing training films for the US Air Force, obtained a film reel depicting the liberation of Auschwitz. He held on to it, believing doubts would someday arise as to whether the Holocaust had really happened

TIL there are 18.6 million millionaires in the USA, which is 40% of the worlds millionaires despite having just 4% of the worlds population

TIL the Japanese government gave elderly people discounts on ramen if they surrendered their drivers license.

TIL 67% of prisoners in India have not had a trial due largely in part to the 25+ million backlogged cases. It is estimated that with the current amount of judges it would take at least 12 years to clear the pending cases.

TIL Influential Evangelical minister Jerry Falwell Sr. railed against MLK jr, staunchly opposed allowing black and white students to attend the same school, and founded a private school for whites only. He never apologized for his racial views but he did become less public about them in later years

TIL that when yakuza boss Tadamasa Goto wanted to have a liver transplant performed in USA in 2001, he donated 100 thousand dollars to the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. The gangster jumped the queue and got the liver; that year, 186 people in the Los Angeles region died waiting for livers.

TIL Teddy Roosevelt nearly died on several occasions while exploring the previously uncharted River of Doubt. After surviving a close call with a coral snake and an emergency surgery on his leg, he became delirious with a fever and repeatedly demanded to be left alone to die in the jungle.

TIL Magellan didn’t actually circumnavigate the globe. He was killed by a poisoned arrow in the Philippines, and his expedition (under the leadership of Juan Sebastian de Elcano) completed the trip without him.

TIL the actor that played King Joffrey in GOT doesn't really like the book, care for show, and actually quit acting for some time

TIL the country dial-code of the Czech Republic is 420 and the rate of cannabis use there is one of the highest in the world. In 2016, Snoop Dogg was a contestant on The $100,000 Pyramid, and replied without delay that the country code for the Czech Republic is 420.

TIL the members of Duran Duran had a pastime of taking part in Duran Duran lookalike contests and winning them.

TIL: In 2010 a land dispute between India and Bangladesh was solved by rising sea levels. The New Moore Island/South Talpatti in the Sunderbans was completely submerged by water and vanished thus solving the dispute.

TIL that without the Sahara Desert there would be no Amazon Rain Forest. It is the dust from the Sahara desert that helps sustain the Amazon Rain Forest as the soil in Amazon is not nutrient enough due to the constant rains to sustain the forests.

TIL people really do have a "type" when it comes to romantic attraction. According to a study, 50% of people’s preferences for faces is unique to them, and who we find attractive is most strongly influenced by our life experiences.

TIL bats can breathe through their wings: wings make up 85% of a bat's surface area and can contribute up to 10% of its gas exchange.

TIL in the 1920s in Los Angeles, most hotels prohibited women from checking in without a male chaperone, making it unsafe for females traveling to LA solo. Hotel Figueroa was opened in 1926 funded by women making it the largest hotel for women professionals to gather in a safe environment.

TIL In 1955, Burma-Shave ran a promotion for a free trip to Mars if someone sent in 900 empty bottles of their product. It was intended to be a joke, but when a man from Wisconsin duly sent in 900 bottles, they scrambled to honour the promotion; sending him to Moers, Germany.

TIL The US Military still uses 8 inch floppy disks on outdated IBM computers to run the nuclear missile systems. It's because they are incredibly hard to hack. The computers are essentially air-gapped and the old IBM computers are reliable. They could run for another 40 years with spare parts.

TIL during the early 1900s, hat pins were used by women for self-defense; Mademoiselle Gelas even wrote a manual advising a combination of jiu-jitsu, hatpin stabbing and umbrella work to fend off men.

TIL Barbra Streisand has built a shopping mall in the basement underneath her house, unstaffed and she stocks it with things she buys herself. Need a gift for a friend, she ‘shops’ for it in her own private mall.

TIL: The wealthiest Gladiator was a chariot racer named Gaius Appuleius Diocles. He had a net worth in today's dollars around $15 billion. Also making him the wealthiest athlete of all time.

TIL Otter capable of killing and eat alligator by drastically wearing out the gator in the fight. The lactic acid build up in the body would intoxicate the gator, eventually killing it. The otter then rips the alligator hide off with its razor sharp claws and eats the gator organs.

TIL that George Clooney once pranked his friend by cleaning his friend’s cat litter box for days so that his friend would think that his cat did not poop. Then one day suddenly George took a dump in the box making it look like the cat took a huge dump after several days.

TIL that in the 1840s, San Francisco a pair of stray dogs known as Bummer and Lazarus were such good rat catchers that they became famous in the city. Once, when a new dog catcher caught Lazarus, an angry mob formed. The city not only released him, but exempt both dogs from anti-stray laws.

TIL that voicing Homer Simpson was Dan Castellaneta's second role in any professional production. He has portrayed the character continuously for 33 years.

TIL learned that in 1985 a guy programmed his computer to call Jerry Falwell Sr's toll free prayer line every 30 seconds for 8 months. It clogged up the lines and cost them over $750k in reverse charges.