TIL James Earl Jones decided to go uncredited for his role of voicing Darth Vader because he considered David Prowse’s performance inside the Vader costume to be the more defining of the two performances.

TIL James Earl Jones decided to go uncredited for his role of voicing Darth Vader because he considered David Prowse’s performance inside the Vader costume to be the more defining of the two performances. https://whatculture.com/film/10-actors-who-went-uncredited-for-major-film-roles-and-why?page=2&_gl=1*9a8rtm*_ga*cmZsM3d3b2xnTHl2dm5fdG5zTWlzMk03OHplazItQkJwTUN5NFZGRXhEQm5CUmp2YngyNmtROVBOU3d6T1BYNQ.. TheGoodConsumer November 30, 2020 at 08:26AM
