TIL Dogs can wear braces on their teeth. Wesley is a six-month-old Golden Retriever, who wasn’t able to fully close his mouth and chew well was fitted with braces by, Dr. James Moore AKA "The Doggie Dentist." As with people, dental problems for dogs can lead to other, more serious health issues.

TIL Dogs can wear braces on their teeth. Wesley is a six-month-old Golden Retriever, who wasn’t able to fully close his mouth and chew well was fitted with braces by, Dr. James Moore AKA "The Doggie Dentist." As with people, dental problems for dogs can lead to other, more serious health issues. https://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/doggie-dentist-pooch-braces/story?id=37288358 ocdumbos June 09, 2021 at 09:23AM
