TIL In 2017, scientists began a global search to find a mate for Jeremy, a rare left-coiled snail. Since his shell coiled in the opposite direction of most snails, his organs couldn't align with others. Two contenders were found, but they mated with each other instead of Jeremy.
TIL In 2017, scientists began a global search to find a mate for Jeremy, a rare left-coiled snail. Since his shell coiled in the opposite direction of most snails, his organs couldn't align with others. Two contenders were found, but they mated with each other instead of Jeremy. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/05/17/528796939/tragic-love-triangle-is-sad-for-lonely-rare-snail-still-good-for-science?t=1643162020682 AmandaDivaBaethoven January 25, 2022 at 10:57PM
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