
Mostrando postagens de fevereiro, 2023

TIL that in 2018 a framed painting by Banksy was sold at auction for over a million pounds. As the gavel fell an alarm sounded and a shredder concealed in the picture frame turned on and began to shred the painting. The buyer went through with the purchase.

TIL "All Quiet on the Western Front" was banned in Nazi Germany because it protrayed the fultility of war (during WWI) and was deemed counterproductive to the German rearmament program prior to WWII.

TIL the man who created the medical residency system for doctors was addicted to cocaine and morphine

TIL Alberta, Canada is one of only 3 places on Earth considered rat-free. There is no resident population of rats.

TIL renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright's houses were famously leaky.

TIL Cheetos were designed to be addictive. A 2013 investigation found that Frito-Lay spent $30 million a year on 500 chemists and psychologists to attain the perfect mix of crunchiness, aroma, and "mouth feel." They melt in the mouth immediately, tricking the brain into thinking it hasn't eaten much

TIL Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling was the first billionaire to fall off the Forbes billionaire list because of charitable giving: "You have a moral responsibility when you've been given far more than you need, to do wise things with it and give intelligently."

TIL Mr. Rogers was an ordained Presbyterian pastor who believed in the power of teaching through example which he felt would be just as powerful as preaching.

TIL that all financial interests (including gifts and donations) for UK Members of Parliament are recorded and open to the public along with the person or business making the donation.

TIL that there is a plant known as the Coccoloba Gigantifolia which has leaves that can reach up to 8 feet in length (2.4 meters)

TIL about Raven Thorogood III, a 5 year old monkey who outperformed more than 6,000 internet and technology money managers earning an astonishing 213% return.

TIL a year after the defeat of the Spanish Armada, the English sent their own Armada to Spain, leading to similar losses of ships and men, and an ignominious English defeat

TIL: The concept of steganography which is the hiding of messages in plain sight. For example, Phyllis Latour Doyle (British spy) parachuted into France to spy on Nazis before D-day. She used knitting to record messages.

TIL that the smell from old people is from the release of a chemical called “2-nonenal”.

TIL Dr. Hawley Crippen was tried & executed for killing his wife, in 1910, on the evidence her alleged remains were found in their house. A century later, DNA testing done on the remains proved they were not hers, had no genetic relation, and were male.

Today I learned that there are less than 25000 Lions left remaining in the world. They have already gone extinct from many parts of North Africa, Central Asia and once they roamed in Europe too.

TIL Tolkien assisted on the Oxford Dictionary's first edition, focused on 'W' words waggle to warlock. He "learned more in those two years than in any other"; and certain etymologies continued to puzzle him for years, with many pages of notes written later on 'walrus' for a lecture at Leeds

TIL Sinead O'Connor "Nothing Compares 2 U" was not hers but Prince's, and he was miffed by the legal allowances for nonconsensual music covers in the industry

TIL male turkeys are more likely to attempt mating with a taxidermied female turkey head missing its body than a taxidermied female turkey body missing its head

TIL Dr. John Harvey Kellogg (of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes) was so enamored of yogurt’s effect on gut health that he promoted a pint of yogurt for his patients: half to be eaten and the other half to be administered via enema.

TIL the United States Used Gas Chambers as a Form of Execution Up Until the 1990s

TIL Andrew Johnson did not master reading, grammar, or math until he met his wife at 17. The only other President with so little formal education was Abraham Lincoln. However Lincoln is esteemed as America's greatest President, while Johnson, his successor, is ranked as one of the worst

TIL scientists going on rotation to the South Pole watch The Thing(1982) on their first night at base

TIL there's an "ancient druids temple" in England that was actually built 200 years ago as a solution to local unemployment

TIL it is illegal for pregnant women in Missouri to get a divorce.

TIL That Toronto, the largest city in Canada, is not only south of London, Paris, and Berlin, but also south of Milan, Italy.

TIL the English word 'arena' comes from the Latin word harena, which was the fine-grained sand spread on the floor to soak up gladiator blood.

TIL with few exceptions there's no such thing as a "family coat of arms." Coats of arms are given to individuals. They can be passed down but are not associated with a surname. There can be many coats of arms in a family. Companies offering surname histories and arms often fabricate their findings.

TIL Texas A&M University used to have an annual bonfire. In 1999, 12 students died when the Aggie Bonfire collapsed upon them during construction. The deaths led to the end of the tradition as the University faced a series of lawsuits and couldn't afford the expected $2 million per year insurance.

TIL you're completely blind for about 40 minutes a day because of Saccadic masking. Without it, your life would be like watching a constant movie that's filmed with a shaky, handheld camera.

TIL that the reason Yankee Doodle stuck a feather in his cap and called it 'macaroni' was because at one time macaroni was slang for something very fashionable or trendy

TIL that US Government employees are formally banned from napping at work

TIL that the world's largest rodent "Capybara" are so chill to the point that they can form an unlikely friendship with crocodiles.

TIL about Andy, the goose born with no feet. His owner outfitted him with Nike sneakers to help him stand and move, helping him to become a role model for disabled children before he was murdered in 1991 under mysterious circumstances.

TIL a 2019 study by Drexel University (in addition to many other studies) found that houseplants do not improve air quality or otherwise purify the air.

TIL NYC Photographer Jamie Livingston shot a Polaroid photo everyday for 6,000 days between March 1979 and October 1997. The first shot was of his girlfriend at the time and his last photo was on his deathbed, dying of cancer

TIL Many plastic items in the grocery store have a set of three arrows forming a triangle with a number in the middle—but it’s not a recycling symbol. It’s a resin stamp indicating roughly the type of plastic it is. The petrochemical industry created it to make consumers think the item is recyclable

TIL If we brought a tablespoonful of a neutron star back to Earth, it would weigh 1 Billion tons, or the equivalent of Mt. Everest

TIL that a startup genetically engineered a houseplant with the air purification power of 30 ordinary plants

TIL A Seattle nursing home houses a child care center of 125 tots and is a place where a 5 year old can have playtime and learn with a 95 year old. Children under 5 don't grasp the concept of death so residents dying don't need to be fully explained

TIL - English physician William Harvey was a prominent skeptic regarding allegations of witchcraft. He was one of the examiners of four women from Lancashire accused of witchcraft in 1634, and as a consequence of his report, all of them were acquitted.

TIL that Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick created the famous - and somewhat ubiquitous - red, black and white Che Guevara image. Fitzpatrick, aged 16, met Guevara in Ireland too. Fitzpatrick began distributing for free, stating ‘I literally wanted it to breed like rabbits. I wanted it to spread.’

TIL, That since domestication, dogs' eyes have changed. Dogs now have eye muscles that make them more expressive and infant-like. These same muscles are absent in wolves, their closest relative.

TIL to finish writing The Hunchback of Notre Dame within an impossible deadline of 6 months, Victor Hugo locked his clothes away, making him unable to go outside and procrastinate which forced him to do anything but finish writing his book.

TIL the concept of 'alpha's in wolf packs is outdated. Wolves are now understood to live in family units of two parents and their cubs. The 'alpha' concept was based on observations of wolves living together in captivity that did not have any familial relation.

TIL of Macadam roads. These roads were convex, raised a few inches, and made of layered crushed rock; they were state-of-the-art for the 19th century. The rise of automobiles led to the dust issues that were solved by binding the roads with tar, leading to the invention of tarmac.

TIL Volvo will you pay for airfare and accommodations to Sweden if you buy a new Volvo direct from the manufacturer.

TIL : Hummingbirds are one of the few bird species who pee. Other birds excrete urine in solid form, but hummingbirds consume so much water through the nectar they drink that their urine is liquid.

TIL that in "Maleficent", Angelina Jolie's own daughter had to play the younger version of Aurora, because they were unable to find any other young girl who wasn't too scared to go near Angelina in her Maleficent costume.

TIL Germany has more deaths from alcohol, than the US has from firearms (per capita, 2020)