
Mostrando postagens de novembro, 2020

TIL Beavis and Butthead was blamed for the death of a 2-year-old, after her 5-year-old brother set fire to their mobile home. The mother said he had watched one of the fire-related segments before starting the fire, but their neighbours said they didn't have cable TV so couldn't have seen the show.

TIL Greg Burson, who voiced Bugs Bunny following the death of Mel Blanc, ended his career after he barricaded himself in his home and held a woman hostage. According to an officer he was so drunk they couldn't tell if he was trying to do one of his voices or just slurring his words.

TIL that Inuit in northern Greenland were using iron blades for centuries without knowledge of metallurgy. They made them by breaking pieces off of a huge iron meteorite and shaping them with heavy stones. They built their settlements close to the meteorite and used its iron for generations.

TIL the show VeggieTales focused on retelling Old Testament Bible stories because the creator's mom did not want to see Jesus as a vegetable.

TIL professional basketball player Marvin Barnes, once refused to board a plane from Louisville to St. Louis. Because the flight was scheduled to arrive (Central Time) before its departure time (Eastern Time), Barnes famously said, "I ain't getting in no damn time machine." He rented a car instead

TIL Bob Barker plans to give all his money to animal causes after his death

TIL 42-year-old Zamboni driver, kidney transplant recipient, and practice hockey goalie David Ayres, led the Carolina Hurricanes to a 6-3 win after their two pro goalies were injured. Cheered by the opposing team's fans, he was the oldest player ever to make his pro debut in a major sport.

TIL that in 2018 a 4-year-old Pennsylvania boy was summoned for jury duty. He explained he had preschool that day and so could not serve.

TIL in 2009 a pigeon named Winston raced Telkom, South Africa's largest ISP, to see who could deliver 4GB of data to a location 60 miles away the fastest. By the time Winston arrivd with the 4GB flash drive, Telfom had transfered only 4% of the data

TIL the screenwriter of Cast Away stranded himself on a deserted island to force himself to search for food and shelter in preparation for the film. During this time, a volleyball washed up on shore, which inspired Tom Hank's inanimate character companion named Wilson.

TIl that the real life Top Gun flight school became so sick and tired of the constant movie references that they imposed a $5 fine to any staff member that quotes the movie

TIL We produce a lot of saliva just before vomiting in order to protect our teeth from erosion due to the acidity of the vomit.

TIL Jupiter's moon Europa is covered by a thick layer of ice, with a huge subsurface ocean of liquid water underneath it. Estimates give the ocean an average depth of 100km, and a radius of 877km. This equates to 3 times the combined volume of water of Earth's oceans.

TIL James Earl Jones decided to go uncredited for his role of voicing Darth Vader because he considered David Prowse’s performance inside the Vader costume to be the more defining of the two performances.

TIL of an attempted plane bombing in 1985 where the bomb went off an hour early, while still in the airport. The perpetrators did not realize that Japan does not observe daylight saving time, so the bomb went off before it made in onboard.

TIL that While filming Rocky IV Sylvester Stallone told Dolph Lundgren to really punch him to capture a realistic scene. One particularly forceful Lundgren punch to Stallone's chest slammed his heart against his breastbone, causing the heart to swell, and was forced into intensive care for 8 days.

Today I learned global company Unilever "makes and sells products under more than 1,000 brand names worldwide. Two billion people use them on any given day." Some of their brands include Dove, Klondike, Hellman's, Lipton, Magnum, Ben and Jerry's, Axe, Q-tips, St. Ives, Popsicle, and Vaseline.

TIL after Stephen Hillenburg, the creator of SpongeBob Squarepants, graduated high school he worked as a fry cook during summers at a restaurant in Islesford, Maine known as Islesford Dock Restaurant. The restaurant would later be the inspiration for the Krusty Krab in the show.

TIL Landing humans on the Moon required the most sudden burst of technological creativity and the largest commitment of resources ever made by any nation in peacetime. At its peak, the Apollo program employed 400,000 people and required the support of over 20,000 industrial firms and universities.

TIL Taco Bell has failed twice to expand their operations to Mexico. In 1992, Mexican customers found their tacos too expensive, and in 2010 their expansion restaurant closed because customers were unfamiliar with the menu items.

TIL The Bee Gee's wrote "Islands in the Stream" for Marvin Gaye, it was a hit for Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton and then sampled for "Ghetto Superstar". When The Bee Gee's finally recorded their version, they used "Ghetto Superstar " for their final chorus.

TIL in 1991, former child actress Dana Plato entered a video store demanding the money in the cash register. The clerk called 9-1-1 and said, "I've just been robbed by the girl who played Kimberly on Diff'rent Strokes." She later died in 1999 of a drug overdose.

TIL that for 23 Years The French Have Been Building A Real Medieval Castle Using Only Medieval Construction Techniques

TIL that in the movie Wolf of Wall Street, Jonah Hill wore a prosthetic penis for his masturbation scene at the beach party. However, his fellow actors were unaware of this and their reactions are genuine.

TIL that Julia Child’s first job was with the US Office of Strategic Services (predecessor to the CIA) during WWII. One of her accomplishments was developing a recipe for shark repellant for the OSS. Her husband was also OSS when they met. The CIA has released her files to the public.

TIL in 1944, three American B-29 bombers on missions over Japan were forced to land in the Soviet Union. The Soviets, who did not have a similar strategic bomber, decided to copy the B-29. Within three years, they had developed the Tu-4, a nearly-perfect copy

TIL that Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh are both descendants of Queen Victoria. This would make them 3rd cousins.

TIL a 25-year-old Polish man passed out after drinking too much vodka, and went into cardiac arrest. He was declared dead, and taken to the local morgue. When a guard heard noises, he opened the fridge and let the man out. After passing a medical check, he went back to the pub to rejoin his friends

TIL Mongolian BBQ was invented in Taiwan in 1951 by a comedian

TIL in 1941, a little girl who was selling lemonade at her lemonade stand caused a polio outbreak. The health department found that she hadn't cleaned the cups customers used. She ended up getting polio along with her friends.

TIL firefighters that responded to last year's fire at Notre Dame knew which works of art to rescue and in which order following a protocol developed for such a disaster.

TIL one theory for why we haven’t discovered extraterrestrial life is that Earth is early to the party. Over the next 100 trillion years before the last star burns out, 92% of Earth-like planets that could foster life elsewhere have yet to be born.

TIL: People who get the chills (music gives you goosebumps) might have a special brain (enhanced ability to experience intense emotions)

TIL of Joan Quiqley, an astrologer and secret "advisor" to the Reagan White House. "Virtually every move" the Reagans made was cleared through her to "make certain that the planets were in a favorable alignment."

TIL that cats respond positively to human slow blinking and that the slow blink represents a ‘cat smile’ and break from an uninterrupted, threatening, stare

TIL that during the Christmas of 1819, King George III - who by then was completely blind, increasingly deaf, had dementia, was in pain from rheumatism and suffering from another bout of insanity - spoke nonsense for 58 hours.

TIL Freddie and Truus Oversteegen are two sisters who spent their teenage years luring Nazis to their death by seducing them. They were finally honoured for their role in the resistance with the Mobilistatie-Oorlogskruis (War Mobilisation Cross) in 2014

TIL that "Baby Yoda" cost $5 million to make. Knowing how expensive the puppet was caused Adam Pally to miss three times while filming the scene where his character punches it.

TIL German men are encouraged to pee sitting down to promote a cleaner bathroom experience for other men.

TIL about the Sorites Paradox, a paradox that arises from vague predicates. If you remove a grain of sand from a heap, it is still a heap of sand. When the process is repeated enough times: is a single remaining grain still a heap? If not, when did it change from a heap to a non-heap?

TIL former spanish national team goalkeeper Iker Casilas was given money by his dad for lottery tickets every week but used to spend it on himself. One day 14 of his dad's numbers came up and he lost his dad 1.1 million euros.

TIL that around the Pittsburgh and Cleveland areas during the depression, pork and veal offcuts were cheaper than chicken, leading to "city chicken" a breaded stick of pork and veal that was fried up like chicken.

TIL why Five Guys gives extra fries at the bottom of the bag. They do it so the guests think they are getting a good deal. However, the extra fries are already factored into the menu price. Founder Jerry Murrell also says it is better for customers to feel that their serving of fries was too large.

TIL in the film Tomorrow Is Forever, child actress Natalie Wood was unable to cry on cue, until her mother tore a butterfly to pieces in front of her to ensure she would sob. Her co-star, Orson Welles, called Wood a born professional, "so good, she was terrifying."

TIL about Dorothy Kilgallen, a journalist who claimed to have inside information about the death of JFK. She was drafting a chapter about JFK's death in her book when in 1965, she was found dead in her apartment under suspicious circumstances. All copies of Kilgallen's drafts were never found.

TIL Boxing trainer Cus D'Amato was criticised for being a proponent for the peek-a-boo style of boxing; it was believed that an efficient attack could not be launched from it. He coached Mike Tyson later in his career in this exact style, who would become the youngest world heavyweight titleholder.

TIL that before trees (~400 million years ago) the Earth's landscape was dotted with 24ft tall, 3ft wide mushroom spires called Prototaxites

TIL that 51% of American men between 18 and 29 are single. By contrast, only 32% of women in the same group are single.

TIL Sharks are older than trees. Sharks have existed for more than 450 million years, whereas the earliest tree, lived around 350 million years ago.

TIL that due to relativity the core of the earth is 2.5 years younger than the crust